Jungkook is mad

69 7 0

" I need to go get a drink. Do you want one?" Me

" Sure. Water is good" Namjoon

I walk out to the kitchen. Jungkook is there making noodles.

" Hey, Mae" Jungkook narrows his eyes at me

" What's that face?" Me

" Lalisa thought you were witty but I am still mad" Jungkook

"Oh,please! She was probably happy you talk about her to your friends. It means your thinking about her" me

" Oh, that's true. Still! You dirty girl!" Jungkook  grabs my zipper and unzips me a little. I look down and smack his hand. He eyes go wide and he backs away from me. He hands go to his ears which are turning bright red.

" Just my luck! I always catch something juicy!!What is going on?" Jimin

Jimin stares at my cleavage. I pull my zipper up.

" Jungkook I should slap you silly " me

" Sorry I thought you would have something underneath" Jungkook turns  to look at Jimin

" Jimin, did you tell Ji yet?" Me

His eyes go wide and he covers my mouth.

" Stop! I only told you!" Jimin

" It's so freaking obvious..." Jungkook

" I am going to bed" me

" I bet you are... animals" Jimin

" Whatever we just hold hands" me

" And private parts!" Jungkook

" What did you just say?" Me

They both take off running. I chase them into Jimin's room. They both hide under the covers. I jump up and down on the bed. They are both screaming and laughing.

" What the hell is going on?" Suga

Jimin and Jungkook pull back the blanket and I stop jumping.

" Their being jerks!!" Me

" How dare you!" Suga jumps on the bed too.

We both fall down laughing. Namjoon and Jhope are standing in the doorway

" Having fun?" Jhope

" Yes come here.... you want to jump on the bed too?" Me

" Umm, Yes! " He runs over and jumps up and down. Jimin falls on the floor. We are laughing so hard. Namjoon shakes his head.

" Mae, you fit in so well!" Namjoon

" Yes , she is very mature." Jimin

I stick my tongue out at him.

" No , thanks. I know where that's been" Jimin

I dive on top of him and start to tickle him.

" Stop! Stop!" Jimin.

" Never!" Me

" I wish you could come with us next week!" Jhope

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