Face mask and movie

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" We need to get dressed. I told them we would pick up the food" Namjoon

"Alright, if I can walk" me

We dry off and get dressed. I wear dark jeans and a plain black fitted v neck. I put my damp hair in a bun. We walk out and everyone is gone. He checks his phone. " They went up to our apartment to do a movie and face mask party?"

" That is what we had planned to do tonight" me

" We need to go . The food should be almost ready. I need to go get a mask and hat to cover my face. You should wear one too" Namjoon

" Ok" me

We go up the elevator and he opens his door.

" What took so long?" J-Hope is smiling.

" What's on you face Namjoon? It's right on the corners..." Jimin.

" What? Where?" Namjoon

" Jimin!! Your such a perv!!" I slap his arm

Everyone is laughing.

"Stop being so..... Jimin " Suga

We grab some masks and leave. He holds my hand as we walk out of his apartment. The elevator opens.

" Sorry Jimin is such a tease. He just feel comfortable around you and can be himself. All the guys really like you and your friends"

" It's fine. I find him hilarious. I am glad we all get along so well. It must be hard to find true friends. Remember I am your friends first and your .... dating friend?" Me

" Dating friend? I think you know you are more than that..." Namjoon kisses my forehead.

" So should I just go in to pick up the food?" Me

" No. I have my hat , mask and hoodie. I should be pretty covered"  Namjoon

We step in to the parking garage and walk to the car . He opens my door and pulls me back to him. He kisses  my neck. " I forget to say thank you for last night and tonight. The things you do to my heart and body"  he kisses my neck again.

" I can feel what I do to your body but your heart tell me..." me

He turns me around so I face him.

" My heart soars when I am near you or think of you. I am so happy" Namjoon  

I reach up and caress his face. " You make me happy too"

I get in the car and he closed the door. He gets in and starts the car. He holds my hand as we drive. We drive down this weird super bumpy road. My boobs start bouncing up and down. He looks over and smirks.

" This road sucks! My boobs are bouncing like crazy!" Me

He laughs.

"You did this on purpose!" I hold my boobs by crossing my arms under them. He let's go of my hand and holds my left boob.

" I like to watch them bounce"  Namjoon

I look at him in disbelief.

" I thought you were an ass guy... not a boob guy?" Me

"On you I like... love both so much I can't choose. Maybe I need to study them more" Namjoon

I laugh. We stop at the pizza palace and chicken place are on the same street. We pick up both with no one recognizing him.

" Can we not take the bumpy road home? My boobs won't survive!" Me

" Sure I just wanted to see that once, I am good now" Namjoon

" Your a weirdo sometimes. I like it!" Me

 We make it to the apartment

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We make it to the apartment. We walk into the kitchen. Everyone comes at once. Jin grabs plates.  We have Korean fried chicken, pickled radishes , beer and potato chip pizza. I grab a slice of pizza and some chicken.  Namjoon sits on one side of me. Suga grabs a plate and sits on the other side of me.

" You know how Jimin has been teasing you a lot?" Suga

"Yes" me

" Well sit back and watch. Jimin did you leave money in the bathroom?" Suga

" I don't think so" Jimin

" I think you did. There is 300,000 won ( $250).... you were in there before me.." Suga

" I 'll go check "  Jimin

We hear a scream and coughing. Then puking noises. Jimin comes out struggling  to breathe.

" Suga you ass! That is the worst smell ever. I threw up in my mouth " Jimin

He is crawling on the floor like he is dying.  I give Suga a high five.

" Seriously see a doctor!" Jimin

We all are laughing. Jimin lays on his back catching his breath.

" For that I pick the game tonight " Jimin

Suga makes a face.

" Oh, no! You always pick a painful game. I still have bruises on my head from the flick game on my forehead " V

" Ha, ha! Two bad! I smelled toxic ass waste!" Jimin

" How about face masks then your game?"  J-Hope

" Fine!" Jimin

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