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They had been captured, again. Pidge had been taken, again. It had been 3 months since Allura went into the void, the space between all realities, to stop Honerva, and the team was still grieving. They missed her waking them up early in the morning to train, they missed her chatter and inspiring speeches. They missed her all round great personality, but Lance missed her the most, he didn't move on, he couldn't move on. And now they were sitting in a prison cell listening to the screams of the Green Paladin coming from the next room. She was always taken, she was the smallest and therefore their weak point, and that much was true. Tears were in everyone's eyes. Lance was rocking Hunk back and forth, whispering to him in Spanish about all the great times they had, had trying to keep him from breaking down. Keith was pacing the room trying to find a way out.

He refused to lose another teammate on his watch. He couldn't bare the guilt. They had all made an unspoken promise to keep her safe. Their captors always seemed to assume that since she was the smallest, that she was the weakest, but that was far from the truth. If she knew about the other Paladins silent promise, she would probably murder them in their sleep or yell at them with every curse she knew. Pidge was the toughest girl Keith knew and he wasn't going to let her down. Heck, she had pretended to be a guy for 5 months at the Garrison. None of them knew why, she had refused to tell them even after being in space with each other for 4 years. They had respected her decision. If she didn't want to tell them, there was probably a reason. But they had failed her, she had been taken away, and she was being tortured, broken and they were afraid it could lead to worse.

Lance was comforting Hunk as tears streamed down Hunks face. He tried to block out her screams but they echoed through the room. Suddenly the screams ceased, and Hunks heart stopped, that wasn't good, Pidge had either passed out or... No! He refused to think like that. The doors to the room opened and the Sentries walked in carrying Pidge's broken body, she was bleeding and it was hard to tell where from, due to all the cuts, bruises and other injuries inflicted on her. She seemed so small. Hunk whimpered and Lance held him tighter. The Sentries walked with Pidge in their arms through the room and out again. Leaving the other Paladins alone and in the dark. The only source of light was Lance's new Altean markings, that seemed to glow. They were worried for her safety. The Paladins sat in the dark room for what was probably days maybe even a week with no sign of her.

They had no clue what they were doing to her. They heard screams, but not Pidge's screams, children's screams and cries . Bile rose in Lance's throat as he tried not to think about what else was happening on the ship. When the next Sentry arrived to bring their food they struck, knocking it out and taking back their Bayards. They stormed the ship searching for her, until finally they found her, in a cold dark room, mirrors smashed and the room wrecked. She was passed out on the floor. She was still injured but she looked better than before. They ran with a new purpose through the corridors striking anything that moved, until they got to their Lions. As soon as they could get contact with Coran, they called him and he brought the newly built Castle-ship to get them. The Garrison had helped build a new Castle-ship to honor Allura. The Atlas was now in charge of keeping the Galaxy's closest to Earth safe with the help of Voltron. But Voltron had taken back its normal job throughout the universe. They would return home  often to see how things were going, but there was always something or someone trying to cause chaos, and that's the thing, when there's good in the universe there's also evil.

In their Lions on the way back to the Castle Pidge started Mumbling something

"Mi dispiace" She mumbled.

Keith panicked, had they driven her to insanity and now she could only speak nonsense. Now and then Lance would switch from English to Spanish if he was excited or nervous and he had taught the others Spanish so they could speak in private around any other life forms that spoke English. Even Hunk would switch to Samoan if he was concentrating or panicking but Keith had never heard Pidge speak another language other than Altean, which unlike everyone else she had decided to teach herself, or English. When they got to the castle they ran to the med-bay and told Coran what had happened. Coran told them to leave the room while he removed her armor and clothing items to get the healing-pod suit on her. While the others were out of the room he examined her and saw various wounds inflicted on her back that would probably scar, along with several electrocution scars. He didn't tell the others about that though, they already had enough to worry about. The Paladins came back into the room while Coran put her into the Pod.

They waited for her smiling face to return... 

Broken. (A Voltron Legendary defender Fanfic) -Discontinued-Where stories live. Discover now