Awakening (Chapter 2)

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The Paladins waited days for Pidge to wake. Hunk never left the Healing Pod, He wanted to be the first person she saw when she woke up. If only he had the courage to tell her how he felt. Lance would bring him food and sometimes Coran would join him. Coran missed Number Five's presence, she always seemed to bring a smile to everyone's face, and by what he could tell she was the youngest and probably the brightest. The Paladin's never really spoke about their age or their time before Voltron, mainly Pidge though, she was very secretive for some reason, the others knew hardly anything about her life before Voltron, but that was ok. Sometimes Pidge would help Coran with maintenance along with Hunk and with her out of order there seemed to be a huge, gaping hole in everyone's hearts, they were still getting over the loss of Allura. Coran felt like an Uncle to all the Paladins and he was always down in the dumps when one of them was injured. Coran sometimes wished he could do more for the team.

It was about a week later when the smallest Paladin fell out of the Healing-pod and if it wasn't for Hunk and Coran she probably would've fallen flat on the floor. Hunk ran to grab the others and told them to come to the Medbay, while Coran took her over to the bench to fill her in on what had happened and how bad her injuries were. It seemed the scarring was faint but it was definitely there. When the other Paladins ran into the room they gave her a big group hug

"Ok guys" she laughed "That's enough, you're squishing me"

The other laughed through tears and Keith felt glad that she could talk properly, 'Then what was she saying, the other day?' Keith thought.

"We're so glad you're ok!" Lance exclaimed through tears

"We were so worried" Hunk agreed "What happened"

Pidge's eyes darkened and her face fell. The others noticed and stopped.

"I-I don't really remember" She lied. She didn't want to tell the others. She didn't want them to pity her or think she was weak. 'I'll tell them when i'm ready' she thought. It wasn't exactly a lie, she couldn't recall what had happened, but she had a feeling it wasn't good. Children's screams echoed in the back of her head

"Well you're ok and that's all that matters" Keith told her. But he knew something was up.

They went about their day and called Shiro who was back at the Garrison, informing him that Pidge was fine.

"That's a relief" Shiro sighed "You had us worried." before he hung up. He had work to do and the others had to train.

"I'm cooking Dinner!" Pidge exclaimed and everyone turned and looked at her weirdly.

"you, Cook!?" Lance asked.

"what! You think i can't cook" She yelled. Silence returned her question "Look, I'm cooking my Nona's famous recipe and you can't change my mind!" The others knew better than to argue with her.

"Are you sure you'll be able to" Hunk piped up "You can barely walk around by yourself right now"

"I'll be fine" she assured him. "you'll love it!" The team finally agreed and went off to train while Pidge cooked,

An hour later

"Dinner's ready!" Pidge called over the comms

"Lets hope she doesn't poison us" Lance laughed "Pidge isn't exactly the type of person i see cooking" They took their time walking to the dining hall as they weren't quite sure what to expect.

"Give her a chance" Keith replied. When they arrived at the dining room they were rewarded with a delicious smell and Coran greeted them.

"I don't know what Number 5 made but it smells good" Coran laughed as his stomach rumbled.

"Dinner is served" Pidge yelled as she walked in with plates of..

"Is that spaghetti!" Lanced exclaimed as she placed the food in front of him

"Yep!" Pidge replied "My Nona's special recipe! Dig in!"

Everyone ate in silence as Pidge watched on anxiously.

"Do you like it" Pidge asked hesitantly, chewing on her nails.

"Pidge this is AMAZING!!" Lance stood up and proclaimed

"The best Spaghetti I've ever had!" Keith agreed

"Its a yes from me!" Hunk nodded

She beamed at the compliments as she took their plates away to be washed. When she came back Coran decided he had something to say.

"So this is the Spaghetti you guys would always talk about" Coran asked astonished at how good it was compared to their normal diet or Food Goo or whatever Hunk could whip up in the kitchen with their limited alien food supplies. Hunk was a good cook, in fact he was a great cook, but it was nice to have something different for once.

"Yes it is" Pidge answered him "It's a very popular dish from my home country"

"You're home country" Lance mumbled

"wait Pidge you're ITALIAN!!" Lance cried out

"Yes Lance" Pidge scoffed "My mother is Italian and I lived in Italy for five years of my life". The room went silent. Pidge had NEVER opened up about her life before Voltron and this came as a shock to everyone. The only other time they had seen Pidge this open was when she revealed to everyone that she was actually a girl (Quite to Lance and Coran's shock).

"Did I break you guys?" Pidge laughed nervously.

"Cool!" Lance beamed, cutting through the silence.

"Welp I'm off to bed" Pidge yawned

"You! Pidge, go to sleep, ha!" laughed Keith "I didn't think you were capable of sleep"

"Yes, the healing pods leave you very tired" Pidge yawned again a wide grin spread across her face as she yelled "I finally got the emo to show emotion!"

Everyone laughed at that. Coran didn't know what it meant but he laughed anyway. Finally, they went their separate ways off to bed. Everyone was glad to be back in a comfortable bed after sleeping in a prison cell for a week. When Pidge returned to her room she was grateful, she didn't have to sleep in that mirror room anymore. A shiver went down her spine. She slipt into her Pj's and went to sleep. Memories would emerge in her mind of what happened, but she refused to let them scare her. They were over now she reminded herself. 

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