Resurrection (chapter 11)

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Yep that's right Jesus is back! 


The others were playing Monsters and Mana while Hunk sat once again in the cryo-room, how did the others just move on so easily? She had died only 5 months ago and they had just forgotten her and moved on as if nothing had happened. As if there wasn't Pidge shaped hole missing.

Pidge sat in the mind of the Green Lion. A garden slowly growing around her. She had learnt to control her new abilities and it had only been what 4-5 weeks? 

"Good job!" Came Trigel's voice "You're finally getting the hang of it"

"Thanks Trigel!" Pidge beamed. She had gotten used to the older Paladin being her only company, it was calm compared to the chaos of living with 4 boys in a huge castle. It was good to hang out with another girl again. She had learned to accept her fate. She was dead and there was nothing she could do about it. She hoped at least the others had moved on just as she had. She hoped that they had found another Paladin for Green. She knew isn't wasn't likely for them to have a new Paladin to replace her, Green wouldn't let someone else in for a while. She felt her Lion growl in the back of her mind. Green was congratulating her of course.

Trigel handed Pidge a blade and they began sparring for a few hours before setting down and lying on their back looking up at the 'stars' or the fake environment Green had made for them. Her and Trigel were talking, going over the day when Pidge's vision started going fuzzy.

"Trigel!" She yelled "My visions going blurry!" Pidge started panicking

"You're going home" The original Green Paladin said cheerfully "Just remember to come visit me!" 

That was the last thing Pidge heard before her vision went blank.

Hunk had gotten up and was about the leave the cryo-room when the cryopod hissed behind him. Hunk froze, how was that possible. Hunk was confused, the cryopod wasn't meant to open unless...

The person it was carrying was coming back to consciousness!

Hunk turned around just in time to catch Pidge and stop her from falling on the ground, as the cryopod opened. The crisp white cryo-suit tight on her skin glowed a little, reflecting the lights of the Castle. As usual her short light brown hair was a mess and her round eye glasses framed her freckled face. It was definitely Pidge. She was alive! But how? 

"Pidge" Hunk whispered. The girls eyes burst open.

"Trigel!" she yelled. She obviously didn't know where she was. Hunk couldn't process what was going on. Pidge was dead he thought, people don't just come back to life after being dead for five months. But then again Allura had, Allura hadn't actually been dead Hunks scolded himself, she was just in the void. So how was Pidge here then.

"Its ok" Hunk whispered to the panicking girl. She registered his voice and recognition flashed over her face.

"Hunk!" She yelled pulling away so she could see him. Her honey colored eyes scanning her surroundings before landing on him. It didn't last very long though. As soon as she let go of him, she lost her balance and started falling again. I guess that was expected due to the fact her body hadn't been used in five months. Luckily Hunk caught her.

"W-what happened" She stuttered

"You died" Hunk gulped, waiting for Pidge to explode or for him to wake up from this dream that definitely couldn't be true. Could it?

" I know that!" Pidge rolled her eyes "But how am I HERE" She gestured around her.

"I honestly don't know" Hunk chuckled.

"Trigel told me this could happen" She whispered.

"Who?" Hunk asked, bewildered.

"Trigel" Pidge explained "The original Green Paladin" 

"Ok?" Hunk agreed, still confused.

Pidge told him everything that had happened. Being inside the Green Lions mind. Everything. Except the power over plants bit. She didn't want to scare him.

"So its only been what 5 weeks?" Pidge laughed. Hunk looked shocked. She didn't know how long she was gone. Hunk sat her down.

"Pidge" He began "You've been dead for over five months!"......

Yay our favorite little Green Gremlin is back! You didn't think I'd kill off my favorite character for good did you? Anyways, i hope you liked this chapter and I hope you like the story so far. It still has a loooong way to go so, Enjoy! 

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