Pretty (Chapter 17)

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The team had landed on a planet for a diplomatic mission. The ruler of this planet was in the Control Room with the rest of the team, while Pidge hid. No one could know she was alive, not yet anyway. The team seemed to be having a wonderful conversation with the visitor. Usually Allura was in charge of the diplomatic stuff, but of course she was meant to be dead, well not dead in the void, so she couldn't show herself either.

Allura had decided to take Pidge into her room and give Pidge an Altean look. Painting on bright green markings and brushing her unruly hair. Allura, for some reason, also had fake elf ears for Pidge to use. They wanted to know what was going on, so they were going into disguise to enter the conversation. Pidge had helped Allura with a more Earthly look. Putting some of Allura's makeup -Pidge didn't own any makeup- over the Alteans markings, and placing her hair so it covered her ears.

This was going to be fun. The girls giggled while walking to the control room. The Team was going to be SO confused. They walked in and the everyone in the room turned to look at them.

"Who are these lovely ladies" Said the Alien visitor 

"I'm Fern and this is Leah" Pidge said, trying to keep the giggles out of her voice. The team looked at them dumbfounded.

"I am King Bergle, of planet Blogania" Said the Alien

"Nice to meet you" Allura (Leah) curtsied.

"Now go get me a drink!" Ordered Bergle

"Umm excuse me" Pidge said, bewildered at the aliens behavior.

"Thats what you women are for" He explained as if it made any sense "You are the servants, are you not?!" 

"No! Why would you think that!" Pidge snapped

"How dare a mere woman speak to me like that" Bergle gasped "Do you not discipline her!" He turned to the rest of the team.

The team just stood there.

"Where we're from Woman and men are treated equally" Lance tried to explain before Bergle's laugh cut him off.

"Woman treated equally!" The alien bellowed "I've never heard of such a thing! Our women are prizes, our way of showing off, they cook and clean and do the chores while men do the important things"

"I don't think this agreement is going to work" Keith insisted through gritted teeth, noticing the fowl expression on Pidge's face "Don't say ANYTHING!" He tried to whisper to her. But of course she didn't listen.

"Excuse me, you sexist piece of shit!" She spat "You listen here, leave now or i will not hesitate to punch you in the mouth!" The team stared at her in shock. They had never seen Pidge this mad.

"Ha I'd like to see you try" The kind bellowed "Woman are meant as trophy's to sit and look pretty, not for fighting, little girl"

That had done it. Pidge's face went red.

"Well guess what? I'm never gonna be like that, I don't need a guy who's gonna treat me like a toy!" She spat, rage in her eyes "I don't want to sit still and let people boss me around, trust me I'd rather go solo!"

Everyone was terrified at Pidge's sudden behavior. She walked right up to the Alien and punched him square in the mouth. Knocking the King out cold. She stormed out of the room, leaving everyone in shock.

"What was THAT!" Lance huffed.

"I-i have no clue" Hunk muttered "The only time I've seen her like that was when i kept touching her equipment back at the Garrison, but even then she wasn't that mad"

Everyone was bewildered. Pidge had always seemed so calm. She was careful to hardly ever show her emotions. They had seen her break down TWICE. The first time was when they had gone to save her father, only to find her wasn't at the prison camp he was meant to be at. She had broken down and hadn't left her room for days. The second time was when Allura went into the void, everyone had broken down and was crying, so no surprise there.

"Also Allura what is with the look" Coran chuckled. 

Allura looked down at herself, forgetting she was in disguise. "Oh Pidge an I decided to disguise ourselves so we could join the conversation" Allura explained "But i don't think that was a good idea" The others shook their heads.

"That was kinda terrifying" Lance shuddered.

"I'll go talk to her" Allura said with a grim expression on her face

"We'll come to" Keith insisted.


Pidge was stomping through the halls with no apparent destination. 

"Good girl" hissed a voice in her head "Standing up for yourself was the right decision"

"Soon you will be able to punish whoever treats you unkindly" whispered a second voice. Normally Pidge would've been concerned about hearing voices, but she wasn't in the mood to be concerned. The voices seemed familiar but strange at the same time.

"I will get my revenge" Pidge whispered.


The group found Pidge sitting in her room facing the wall.

"What do you want!" Pidge snapped as they entered her room. 

"We just came to see if you're ok" Keith whispered to the girl.

No reply came.

"Pidge we're concerned about you" Hunk admitted "We've never seen you snap like that!"

"You don't know what it's like" She muttered, almost inaudible.

"What do you mean number five?" Coran cooed, trying to calm her down.

"People don't judge you because you're smart, people don't tell you that you'll never be anything just because your a girl" Pidge got louder as she spoke "Kids don't laugh at you when you make a comment in class about something you know, people don't call you useless and annoying" Words kept spilling from her lips as she finally let all her bottled up anger out

"But surely you had friends to defend you right" Lance chuckled nervously "Right?"

"That's the thing" She stood up and turned around, yelling "You guys are the first friends I've ever had! No one liked me, not even the teachers"

"How could someone NOT like you" Hunk laughed "You one of the best people i've ever met and i grateful to be you friend.

"People would pretend to be my friend so i would do their homework" Pidge sniffed "But they would eventually ditch me"

The team gave her a sympathetic look.

"The reason I don't talk about my past with you guys" Tears were now streaming down her face "Is because some memories are hard to bring up"

"Hey, that's ok" Lance comforted her "You can tell us things in your own time"

"Yeah" Coran chuckled "I probably shouldn't have forced you with the mind connector thing"

"No Coran!" Pidge exclaimed "I'm actually glad you did that!"

"really" The older Altean smiled as Pidge nodded.

"I'm so glad you guys are my friends" Pidge remarked

"Us too" Keith chortled.

The group pulled Pidge into a hug and for once Pidge didn't pull away. Instead she laughed. They were glad that Pidge was happy.

When they finally pulled away Pidge piped up "I-I think it's time I told you guys why I pretended to by a guy at the Garrison....


Yay! The big reveal! I hope you guys are excited and I hope you're enjoying the story.



Comment any ideas you have for the story! I'd love to hear them!!


Also shout-out to @spacecatarpillar for helping me with story-line ideas. You guys are in for a big surprise!

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