The Truth (Chapter 19)

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Ok so I might've run out of Voltron pictures. I NEED MORE!


The team met the next morning in the training deck.

Today was the day they would find out the truth. They were all excited but they could all tell Pidge was nervous.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Hunk asked noticing Pidge's stricken face. She nodded. Coran grabbed the Mind-connectors and gave one to everyone, including himself.

"You ready Number Five" Coran asked. He waited for her approval before turning the machine on. The hologram sputtered to life.

"Here we go!" Pidge whispered as her memories began playing.


remember any text written like this is a memory


The memory shows the Holt family sitting at a table.

" Hope you enjoy this home cooked meal, Matt" Came Sam Holt's voice. "After launch to Kerberos tomorrow, we'll be eating freeze-dried peas for the next two months" The view shifts to show the entire family.

"Don't lie" Matt replies "I know you love those peas, Dad"

At this the team laughs.

"Hey Pidge what does this have to do.." Lance begins

"Shhhh" Comes the rest of the team, quieting him.

"It's true" Sam Takes a bit out of his meal "Those Garrison Chefs really know how to genetically manufacture a delicious vegetable"

"No one can beats Hunk's cooking though" Laughed Allura, Hunk beams at the compliment.

The view changes to look at Pidge, with her arm crossed sitting at the table. She looks upset.

"I wish I could be going up with you guys" She sighs.

"Just you wait kiddo"  Sam says "Something tells me you'll have your own crew someday. You're going to fly with them to worlds so far away, we can't even imagine. I bet my bottom dollar you're going to be part of something that makes the whole universe sit up and take notice"

Pidge smiles at her dads words.

"He wasn't wrong" Shrugged Keith 

"Yeah you've got us" Hunk laughed, Pidge smiled at her team

The scene changes to show Coleen staring at the TV in horror. The screen shows a picture of Shiro, Matt and Sam and the launch of the Kerberos mission. 

"The Galaxy Garrison Mission to the distant Moon of Kerberos is missing," The TV says "And all crew members are believed to be dead."

The team gasped.

The view changes to show Coleen and from behind you can see Pidge watching from the stairs, tears in her eyes.

"The Galaxy Garrison has said the crash was presumably due to pilot error"

"That's not true" Huffed Keith. "Those liars!" Pidge nodded in agreement.

The view zooms in on Pidge. Tears fall from her eyes and an angry expression takes over her face.

"It is indeed a said day for all humanity" The TV finishes.

The scene changes to show the Garrison. Computer noises are heard before, someone typing at a keyboard is shown. The view angle changes To reveal Pidge. Determination show on her face. 

Suddenly the lights turn on.

"You again!" Iverson enters the room and Pidge backs away. "Get off my computer, how did you get passed the guards?

"You said  the Spacecraft went down due to pilot error" Pidge states angrily "I saw the video feeds form your probes. There's no evidence of a crash anywhere on Kerberos!"

The teams gasped again (They do that a lot).

"No way" Whispers Hunk "They literally lied to our faces"

Pidge tried to make herself smaller to avoid any questions but Lance speaks up.

"So you trespassed onto Garrison grounds, I get that. But what does this have to do with pretending to be a guy?"

The team whirls around to look at Pidge.

"Just watch it" She groaned "Or I'll turn it off so you can't watch it"

The team shuts their mouths, and turn their attention back to the hologram.

"Those feeds are classified" Snarls Iverson, grabbing Pidge by the arms "I could charge you for treason for hacking into them"

"Where's my Family!" Pidge snaps being thrown out of the room.

"Harsh" Said Coran "Couldn't he be a bit nicer" The Paladins shake their heads.


"Escort Miss Holt of the premises" Iverson says to a guard "And make sure every guard knows, she is NEVER allowed on Garrison property EVER AGAIN"

"You were banned from the Garrison!" Everyone cried and Pidge just nodded in response.

"I've never heard of that happening before" Says Hunk.

"I was booted form the Garrison but not banned!" Keith said surprised.

Pidge fiddled with her glasses. "He he yeah"

A guard grabs Pidge and starts to drag her away.

"YOU CAN'T KEEP ME OUT! I'LL FIND THE TRUTH, I'LL NEVER STOP!!" Pidge yells at the top of her lungs as she's dragged away.

The teams stared at the hologram in shock as it dims.

"No way" Lance whispered.

"That's some pure determination if I've ever seen any" Allura says grinning at Pidge. Pidge just sat there.

"I'm impressed Number five" Coran declared. The team left the Training deck and went their separate ways. Processing what they had just seen, there was more to Pidge then they could ever imagine, they just needed to find a way for her to open up. 

Hehehehe. I hope you like this chapter. I'm taking suggestions for the next one. What would you like to see happen?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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