Unlocked (Chapter 18)

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The team was walking to the training room. Pidge had said it would be easier to show them rather than tell them. Secretly the team was excited, finally Pidge was opening up. As they entered the training room a strange sound echoed throughout the room. Sitting in the corner was Corbina, crying. The team ran towards her.

"Hey, hey it's ok!" Hunk tried to calm the young Altean "Whats wrong and why are you here?"

"T-they left me behind" She hiccuped "They're bad, bad people, stay away!"

Keith's ears perked up, there was a weird hissing noise coming from somewhere.

"Look out!" The Black Paladin launched at the Yellow Paladin and the little Altean, pushing them out of the way before....


The wall exploded, flames engulfed Keith. The team screamed. What had just happened? 

"Don't tell me we just lost another teammate!" Lance said annoyed.

"Lance!" Coran exploded "I expected a sadder reaction!" Lance just shrugged.

The flames subsided and standing there in utter and complete shock was Keith!

"Keith?" The team yelled

"W-what happened?!" He blinked. He looked down at his wrist and noticed his mark thingy was glowing.

"Keith" Pidge gasped "You just unlocked your hidden power!"

"Umm cool?" He muttered.

"I'm really confused" the little Altean piped up.

"Don't worry about it" Allura chuckled

"But i wanna knoooooow" She moaned

"Lets just get you back to Altea" Allura chuckled picking the girl up

"NO NO NO I'M NOT GOING BACK THERE, THEY EVIL!" The girl screamed, kicking.

"How are they evil?" Hunk questioned

"THEY MIND CONTROL PEOPLE!" Corbina screamed

"Ok I regret asking" Hunk said.

The little Altean cried and screamed all the way back to Altea.

"Would you be quiet?" moaned Pidge

"NO" Yelped the little girl.

Eventually the group made it to Altean and handed Corbina over to Millie screaming and crying.

"Oh my Bob, I can't believe I left her behind!" Millie gasped.

"Typical" Bebstein chuckled.

They said their farewells before taking off again.

"Sorry your thing got interrupted" Allura said to Pidge

"That's ok!" The younger girl replied.

-----Time skip because I want to-----

Keith sat in the common area after everyone had gone to bed. truth be told, Keith was terrified of fire and had been since he was young. Fire was what killed his dad.

"You ok Keith" Came a soft voice. Keith whirled around to find Pidge.

"Couldn't sleep either?" He asked and Pidge shook her head.

"I'm kinda nervous for you guys to ya know" Pidge fiddled. Keith nodded in understanding.

"It must be scary" He comforted the girl.

"Not as scary as being engulfed by flames and being unharmed" She chuckled.

"Yeah" Keith sighed.

"I'm not good at talking to or reading people but I can tell somethings up Keith, what is it" She insisted.

The Black Paladin hesitated before saying "My dad was a firefighter, one day he was called to an emergency, they had evacuated everyone but one person, they told him not to but he ran inside, the person made it out but" He hesitated again before continuing "M-my dad never made it out, I've been kinda terrified of fire ever since"

Pidge gasped "That must be terrible!" Keith nodded.

"Shiro became kind of like a father to me, even after I stole his car when he visited my school, he took me in and cared for me. When Iverson told me the Kerberos Mission had crashed, I was devastated. I couldn't believe it sooo" He chuckled "I kinda punched Iverson in the eye and got kicked out"

At that Pidge laughed "I know what it's like, when I was told the Mission had crashed and that Shiro, my Dad and Matt didn't make it. I was so convinced that it wasn't true I ended up getting myself banned from ever setting foot on Garrison grounds. I guess we were correct though"

Keith laughed before realizing what she had said "You were banned from setting foot on Garrison grounds?"

Pidge's hand flew to her mouth "I've said to much!" She yelled before running off.

Keith chuckled before he went off to bed as well.

Broken. (A Voltron Legendary defender Fanfic) -Discontinued-Where stories live. Discover now