Grief (Chapter 4)

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Even when Krolia had become Empress of the Galra, people weren't happy, some Galra didn't want to be ruled by a woman, whereas some didn't want to be ruled by a Blade. The Galra that weren't happy broke off and continued Zarkon's legacy. As it turns out, the Galra weren't the only species taking over other planets. Other species were fighting to take over Zarkon's place as ruler of the known universe even though he had been dead for a while.

Something big blocked out the Sun and the reuniting Paladins and their families looked up. A huge ship and fleet were nearing Earth's atmosphere. 

"Get to your Lions!" Roared keith, as the team sprang into action. The families fled to safety as the Garrison prepared for a fight.

"I guess history does repeat itself" Sighed Lance over the comms while getting into his Lion.

"There's no time for joking Lance, this is serious" Ordered Keith

The weapons this strange species carried were like nothing the Paladins had ever seen before. Being hit was like having your Quintessence sucked out of you.

"C'mon!" Hunk roared, trying to get the ships particle barrier to break.

But what the Paladins didn't notice was their attackers strategy. They were targeting one Paladin at a time, and that target was..

"Pidge!!" The team yelled in unison as the Green Lion was hit with a sickening blast.

"I can't take much more!" Pidge panted, trying to dodge the weaponry.

"Hold on we're coming!" pleaded Keith, but it was to late. The Green Lion was struck with a blast stronger than the last. The spectators on the ground gasped and Coleen (Pidge's mum) had to look away. Terrified for her daughter. She knew the risks of her daughter being a Defender  of the Universe, but that didn't make it any easier.

"Pidge do you copy" Keith pleaded helplessly into the comms. The comms crackled to life and Pidge was barely audible.

"Guys listen to me People in life, they will come and they'll leave, But if I had a choice I know where I would be, I will stay by your side, There's no need for goodbyes, now I'm seeing the light, When the sky turns to grey and there's nothing to say, You guys are like family to me" The static through the comms made her barely audible. She chuckled and then whispered "I'm sorry, Mi dispiace"

The team was confused to what she was saying before realizing what was going on. They screamed through the comms.

"Stay with us Pidge!" Keith yelled

"No don't leave, its ok you'll be fine!" Hunk sobbed

"Don't make the Garrison Trio the Garrison Duo. Please Pidge" Lance pleaded but there was nothing they could do as they watched the Green Lion plummet to the ground lifelessly. 

With a sudden surge of grief and rage, the Lions tore through the rest of the fleet with unimaginable power. Shiro ran to the crash site pleading that she was ok but as he entered the cockpit of the Green Lion his stomach dropped. There she was lying lifeless. Katie Holt. She was gone and there was nothing they could do. Coran and the rest of the Paladins entered the Lion and heard Shiro sobbing, they instantly knew. They ran towards the cockpit in disbelief until they saw her lifeless body. Hunk screamed and fell to his knees, tears flooding from his eyes as Lance joined him. All Keith could feel was grieve and guilt. It should of been him, he scolded himself. She had so much left to live. It shouldn't of been her...

Coleen, Sam and Matt Holt entered the Lion's cockpit. Matt stood there in disbelief while Coleen cried out and turned to cry into Sam's shoulder. The Holt's were torn apart. When the world was informed of the loss it was no better. The whole world mourned the loss of a hero. The loss of Pidge (Katie) Holt, Paladin of the Green Lion

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