Hero pt2 (Chapter 9)

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"Need some hands Paladins!" came a familiar voice.

"Slav?" The team remarked clearly surprised!

"We're here too" Came the voices of the Altean and Olkari women accompanying Slav, Millie and Bebstien.

"No way!" Lance gasped as Slav exited his ship and shot the castle with some machine, stopping it seconds before hitting the ground. The team was really confused. Did Slav just.. save them! Plot twist, did NOT see that coming.

"You can hold your thanks until later" Slavs voice crackled over the comms "You have cracks all over your ship, do you know how dangerous that is, it could tear this reality apart, we must fix them immediately!"

Cue facepalms throughout the room. Gods they were never gonna hear the end of this!

"I did NOT expect Slav of all people to save us!" Keith spluttered. He hated the idea of Slav, the most infuriating being in the entire universe, saving THE Paladins of Voltron. Eventually Coran, Hunk and Slav were able to get the Castle up and running again and within no time they were back on their course to Earth. It had been four months since they had left Earth after the battle. Four months since losing Pidge.

"The children will LOVE this story!" Millie squealed jumping up and down. Her yellow markings glowing so bright it hurt to look at her. 

"First of all, can we stop on a certain planet I've been wanting you guys to visit" Lance pleaded. The others hesitantly agreed before heading off to a frozen planet occupied with a species of aliens resembling mermaids, known as Mer. When they arrived a beautiful Mer with long dark hair and gold streaks greeted them. Her eyes seemed to change color and her bright blue tail made the Paladins speechless. It wasn't just her though, the entire city and its people were beautiful. 

"I'm Sakina!" The Mer introduced herself "Follow me, I'll show you around!". She showed the Paladins the best places. It was the most fun the group had in a long time. Millie and Bebstien couldn't contain themselves, giggling and asking questions continuously, gawking at the glowing creatures that swam near them. Everyone had been given a magic air bubble so they could breath while enjoying the sights. Slav just had to spoil it by making sure everything was ok to keep the realities in order. 

Lance told the other Paladins how this was the planet he and Hunk had landed on when the Paladins wormhole had been compromised and they had all been sent to different parts of the universe. While Lance told the others the story, Sakina gave them a tour of the beautiful underwater city. Her tail glistened and glowed in the watery light. When they finally made it to the underwater castle Queen Luxia greeted Lance and Hunk like old friends. Sakina and Luxia continued the tour with lunch while Lance went off to find his Mer friends Plaxum, Swirn and Blumfump who were now advisors to Queen Luxia. 

The Paladins quickly became friends with Sakina due to her kind nature and told her to call them if she ever wanted to hang out. On their way back to the castle Sakina noticed something odd.

"Why is your wrist glowing" She asked, pointing at Lance's wrist

"What!" Lance yelled noticing it, "That mark thingy on my wrist is glowing!"

"I think i know why" Allura offered "You know how you were originally the Paladin of the Blue Lion?" Lance nodded

"Well i think that because of that you are still the Guardian of the water" Allura continued "Although you now pilot Red you are still connected to that element and as you notice we are in water right now" Allura noticed Lance still looked confused "It means that water makes you stronger"

"ooooh" Lance gasped, now understanding what she meant.

"I hope you've had a good time here on planet Merdia!" Sakina said cheerfully "I hope to see you again some time"

"You sure will" Coran agreed as they entered the castle  getting ready for their trip back home to Earth.

I know these chapters have been short, i have an idea of where i want this story to go i jut don't know how to get there so if you have nay ideas for me feel free to comment them and I'll take them into consideration. Thank you for understanding.

Broken. (A Voltron Legendary defender Fanfic) -Discontinued-Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu