Black out (Chapter 13)

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They were travelling through a space storm. The worst kind. The team had to strap themselves to the castle so they wouldn't go flying around. The storm had damaged the gravity generator, shutting off the gravity, so now all they could do was float around. This made moving around easier for Pidge, she couldn't walk properly yet. It was like learning to walk all over again, I guess thats was to be expected after being dead for five months.

She floated around with ease, unlike the others, who were constantly crashing into the walls and other objects. Slav had called them asking if he could help, apparently if he didn't it could mean bad things for the reality, but no one listens to Slav and they ignored him. Of course Hunk and Pidge had, had extra practice for no Gravity from the time when King Alfor's AI had been corrupted along with the castle, trying to kill everyone. It had shut off the gravity in the Green Lions Hangar. So they were doing better than others. Slav had decided to come along for the ride anyway. The others refused to let him help with repairs. Slav had brought along Bebstein and Millie and Millie had decided to bring one of her students, Corbina.  

Corbina, was a curious and smart child who often ran off from Millie screaming things like 'She's crazy and trying to corrupt us!'. The Paladins couldn't help but laugh at the young Altean.

"Don't worry about her" Millie assured the Team "She has.. uhh quite an imagination"

The others laughed as the young girl continued floating around. When the Gravity finally came back on, everyone was relieved. They could finally move around again, without crashing into objects.... Unless you were Lance, who was so dizzy he couldn't walk properly. Pidge was mad, that she couldn't move around by herself again. They had given her some Altean equivalent to a wheelchair. She was in Greens hangar, helping Hunk, who was having trouble with his powers and randomly created earthquakes. They had decided to take a break and Pidge wheeled herself around the castle, she heard whispering from a room and opened the door to find Bebstein and Millie, Corbina was nowhere to be seen. As she entered the room Millie and Bebstein turned around. Millie's markings and Bebstein's headpiece started glowing. Pidge heard a strange whispering in her ear, before the world went black.

She woke up with the two women looking down at her from above.

"What happened?" She groaned sitting up and rubbing her head.

"You passed out!" Bebstein giggled.

"Oh sorry" Pidge mumbled "Still getting used to being alive again" The Altean and Olkari laughed, nodding their heads in understanding. They didn't tell the other's what had happened, there was really no point. She wheeled herself back to Green's hangar to find Hunk already there.

"Ready to continue?" Pidge grinned

"Yeah, lets do this!" Hunk agreed enthusiastically. Suddenly Corbina ran into the hangar laughing and screaming again.

"Why'd Millie have to bring this one?!" Pidge growled, she didn't exactly like young children. 

"You ok?" Hunk asked.

"Yeah I'll be fine" She nodded "She's just giving me a headache" At that Hunk laughed as they continued there training.

After Slav, the two Alteans and the Olkari left, the Team decided to do some exercises on the training deck. Cora got out the headsets that connected everyone's minds and was about to hand one to Pidge.

"Nope count me out" She backed away in her chair "I hate those things" She shivered. 

"C'mon Pidge!" Called Keith "It's not a big deal" Pidge shook her head and wheeled herself out of the training deck and towards the kitchen.

"She needs to start trusting us in her mind" Keith grumbled "We're a team and we know less about her than anyone else!" 

Coran just shrugged "Give her time"

"Coran's right, just give her time" Allura chimed in.

Pidge hated the mind connector thingy's, she always had, she had secrets that she didn't want the others to know, like her real name or why she had pretended to be a guy to get into the Garrison. It's not that she didn't trust them, but if they found out what she had done, she was afraid they would think badly about her. She didn't want to loose her only friends. When she got to the kitchen she took out the 'Peanut Butter Cookie' that Hunk had tried to make for her, knowing how much she loved them. She ate it slowly savoring the delicious taste, it didn't taste exactly right but then again it was made out of an alien substance similar to peanuts, so it wasn't going to be exactly correct. 

Broken. (A Voltron Legendary defender Fanfic) -Discontinued-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora