Birthday Wishes (Chapter 10)

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It had been a week since they got back to Earth. Iverson had introduced the team to the new Atlas captain, Rosie and her co-captain Samantha or Sam for short. The girls had planned on getting together with the Paladins to work out some ideas and tactics for the war in space as even though they had both tied for top of their class, they had never actually been to space. The team and the Atlas crew sat down for lunch to talk things over. Th Atlas was the first thing Voltron would call on if they ever needed help. They were a big deal. But secretly the Paladins all agreed that they didn't exactly like the Atlas very much. It had stole their thunder when defending Earth from Sendak, and don't even get them started on the MFE's. Yes some of them were nice, but James Griffin acted all tough and like he owned the place. They would never go through what the Paladins went through.

The day after the meeting was of course a special day. It was Hunk's birthday! Everyone set up the celebration in the room where Pidge's cryopod was, so it seemed like she was there with them. Hunks only birthday wish though, was to get Pidge back. He felt so lonely now he had no one to talk about nerdy stuff with, or to argue about Single or Double Modulating with. Hunk had lost one of his BEST friends! He unconsciously made Peanut butter cookies, Pidge's favorite cookies, whenever he baked in the kitchen. Hunk went into the cryo-room, now part of his morning routine to visit his friend, only to get startled but the loud SURPRISE coming from everyone as they jumped out to wish him a happy birthday. They had made Hunk a cake and little mini Yellow Lion cupcakes. Tears swelled up in his eyes. This was the best birthday ever, there was only one thing missing. Pidge.

Hunk opened his presents. A new baking set. Some new books. A robot building kit. He loved them all. He thanked everyone for doing this.

"No problem buddy" Lance yelled across the room. Even the Alteans, would had no clue what a birthday was, seemed to be enjoying themselves. It was midnight by the time everyone left. Hunk sat alone staring up at Pidge's pod. He sensed someone watching him and turned around, only find the room empty apart from him. Unbeknownst to the fact that Pidge's spirit was there sitting beside him. Oh how much she wished she could talk to him!

Hunk woke up at 10 am the next morning and dragged himself to the kitchen. He was 18 now, he had 'come of age'. He could look after himself. He got an idea of trying to find a car or  house before realizing he would never need them. The castle was his home and Yellow was his car. He had all he would ever need. He would never have a normal life, Voltron would always be needed. He smiled at the thought, before his mind wondered once again to Pidge, how she would never have an 18th birthday, never get her licence, never grow up and grow old. She left to early, to young. Since they didn't age while in space and they hadn't counted their birthdays they had all agreed to count their age from how old they were when they first left Earth in the Blue Lion, just to stop the confusion. Therefore Hunk, who would actually be turning 21, was turning 18. A 21 year old in an 18 year old's body, how weird is that! He chuckled to himself, that was a funny thought. He met up with the rest of the team in the control room to talk over more plans with Rosie and Sam.

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