Past, Present and Future (Chapter 15)

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The memory changed again and Pidge's eyes widened.

"No, no no, any memory but this one" She shuddered.

"Pidge what's wrong" Lance put his hand on the girls shoulder but she flinched away.

"This memory is NOT! for you guys to see" She shouted.

"C'mon Pidge its not that bad!" Allura laughed.

They didn't understand, this memory was of the day her brother, father and Shiro had apparently crashed on the Kerberos mission. Katie had disappeared along with them. This was the day she became Pidge and reason was she had gone to the Garrison disguised as a boy.

She stood up and yanked hard onto the mind-connector until it came off. Once it came off the hologram glitched before going silent. Pidge bolted out of the room.

"What was that all about!" Keith remarked.

"I don't know, she just panicked!" Hunk mentioned.

"Something bothered her about that memory" Allura agreed "and I'm going to try to find out what it is..."

The team searched for Pidge for hours, with no luck. She had just vanished. Little did they know, she was crawling through the air vents to her secret lab. The lab that she had sneakily added in during the building of the new castle. This was her place. The others didn't know about it, here she could do experiments by herself. Recently, she had been studying Alchemy. She had been working on potions. Anything, to keep herself occupied. She went there to escape the others. She had gone there a lot lately. Trying to figure out what her visions meant. Yes visions! Along with her gift over the forest she had been granted the power of prophecy. She didn't know if her dreams were really dreams anymore but there was nothing she could do to change the future no matter how terrible it was.

She continued working on her inventions. Laughing as she heard the rest of the team tearing up the Castle looking for her. She was happy in her little space.

5 hours later-------------------------------------------------------

Pidge finally left her hidden lab and came out of the air vents into her room. She sat down on her bed just as she heard Keith calling to the others, 

"I've checked in her room 8 times already" Before opening the door. The group was behind him. They stared in shock and just blinked at her.

"How did we miss her" Coran whispered.

"I don't know i literally checked in here like two minutes ago" Keith answered.

Pidge laughed.

"What's so funny" Lance whined "We're been looking for you for 6 hours!"

This made Pidge laugh even harder. Tears of laughter fell from her eyes.

"You guys must me blind if you couldn't find me" She chuckled, although she knew they would never find her in her secret lab. Lance stormed off.

"You missed dinner!" Hunk said, hurt.

"Are you sure?" She looked him straight in the eyes, making Hunk uncertain.

She drifted off to sleep. Dreams that weren't dreams haunted her. Something was going to happen. Something bad!

She shot up and ran to the control room.

"Guys get up!" She shouted over the castle comms "Something bad is going to happen!"

The others speed walked to the control room, wondering why Pidge had woken them up so late in the night. They entered the room to see Pidge standing there, facing the floor.

"P-pidge?"Lance whispered.

The girl looked up and the others gasped. Instead of her usual honey colored eyes, glowing green eyes stared back at them. It was like she was in the Avatar state.

"P-pidge are you ok" Allura stepped forward. Pidge opened her mouth and spoke, but instead of her normal voice, a strange otherworldly voice escaped her lips.

" The chosen one shall bring an era of sorrow.

When planets collide, the girl shall usher forth the destruction of nature.

The child of a fallen world, the child of a risen world

Shall form the thoughts inside her head and lead her towards corruption"

 As soon as the last words fell from Pidge's mouth, she collapsed to the ground. The others scrambled to grab her.

"Pidge are you ok!" The group yelled as her eyes shot open.

"I-i'm fine" She grunted.

"What was that!" Lance yelled, unable to hold it in any longer.

"Yeah number 5, whats going on" Coran added. 

The girl sighed. "I-it was a prophecy," she mumbled.

"Wait a prophecy, as in telling the future prophecy" Keith stated, confused. Pidge nodded.

"B-but how thats not possible your not a prophet!" Keith yelled in confusion. Pidge sat there silent. "are you?" Keith asked.

She sighed "If you guys haven't noticed, along with our power of our element we were given extra abilities" The other stared at her dumbfounded "As it turns out, mine is prophecy, i can see glimpses of the past and future"

The others sat there in shocked silence. "I don't know if my dreams are actually dreams anymore, they could be glimpses of the past or future, thats why I called you here, I saw something" She chuckled nervously.

"So your saying you can see the future" Coran tried to keep up.

"and the past" She nodded.

"Well then, what did you see" Allura asked the girl.

Fear spread across the girls face "I can't tell you, or it will just make the outcome worse" She shook her head.

"Can't you like, i don't know, change the future" Hunk asked

"No, I can't change it myself, but I can't tell you guys what i see if it involves you, it just makes the outcome worse" Pidge mumbled.

The teams minds raced. How was this possible? What was their hidden powers? What will happen thats so bad that Pidge can't tell us? 

"I think we all need to process this" Keith said and the others nodded. They left the control room in silence. Allura heard Pidge crying and turned back into the control room.

"Are you ok?" Allura asked the girl as she sat down next to her. Tears fell down Pidge's cheeks as she shook her head and hugged Allura. The Altean gasped quietly, Pidge had never shown any affection to her. The team was like a big family and Pidge was never one to hug, unlike the others. Even Keith would hug the team from time to time to cheer them up. Pidge would always wriggle out of their grasp and run away. So, Allura accepted it with a smile on her face. She embraced the girl, and stroked her hair. Whatever Pidge saw must have been bad to shake her up this much.

Pidge sniffled. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying and she just looked like a mess.

"If I hurt anyone, i-i'm sorry" The girl whimpered. What is she talking about? Allura thought Maybe she was just worried about everyone's reaction to all of this. Eventually Pidge fell asleep on top of Allura. The Altean chuckled to herself and eventually drifted of to sleep as well.

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