Day Off

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I woke up to the smell of fried eggs coming from the kitchen. I got up and shuffled towards the smell.

"Good morning, sunshine" Spencer chuckled when he saw me. I knew that I definitely didn't look like a sunshine. My hair was messy and my eyes puffy from crying.

"Morning" I said in a sleepy tone. I moved towards the coffee machine and poured some dark liquid to my favorite cup. I sat down on the table and Spencer put a plate with eggs and bacon infront of me.

"You know, you're a guest here. You shouldn't be cooking me breakfast" I said.

"I cooked for both of us. And I was so hungry that I just couldn't wait for you to wake up anymore" he replied. He was making jokes, but I knew that he was actually devastated. He was trying so hard to seem happy for me.

"When's the funeral?" I asked him. I know I shouldn't have, but I'd feel really bad if I just ignored it.

"Today at 6" he replied while looking at his plate.

"Spence" I said and held his hand. His eyes quickly met mine. "You don't have to act as if nothing happened. I promise you, I'm fine now. I'm here for you" I said,squeezing his hand.

"I just...I still can't believe she's gone" he said, lowering his gaze.

"I know, baby, I know" I said with a sight and hugged him. We ate in silence and he helped me wash the dishes afterwards. When I placed the last plate on the shelf, an idea crossed my mind.

"Care to join me to a game of chess?" I asked him.

"Sure" he said with a shrug. I ran into my room and grabbed my chess board. I wasn't really good at playing chess, I used to play with my mum when I was young. I had totally forgot about it until I joined the B.A.U.. That's when I found out that Spencer loved chess, so I immediately bought a chess board and watched chess tournamets online in order to get better. Spencer always beat me, of course, but I just loved spending time with him. And I also remembered why I used to like it so much when I was younger. I smiled at the memeries as I walked into the livingroom.

"Why are you smiling and petting the chess board?" I heard him asking when he saw me.

"Nothing, I just remembered something..." I said and laid it down on the table.

"Okay...let's make this one a bit different, shall we?" I said as I arranged the pions.

"What do you mean?" he asked confused.

"Every time someone wins, the looser has to answer a question coming from the winner. But it has to be personal" I say.

"Hmm...okay...let's try it" he agreed.

Game 1: Spencer wins

"Okay, so here's my question: Which was the worst period of your life?" he asked.

"That would have to be High School. I was bullied because of my weight and of my brains. You see, no one wants to hang out with the girl who's topped the class for 4 years in a row. I thought about suicide...but I decided that I wouldn't let them win. And I didn't. I'm working on the FBI and most of these assholes are unemployed".

"I didn't know you were bullied..." Spencer said.

"Now you do".

2nd game: I won.

"How did you...?! You have NEVER won me on a chess game! In fact, only Gideon has ever won me!" Spencer said.

"There's a first time for everything, doctor" I said playfully. "My question is: How are you feeling?".

"What kind of question is that?" he asked.

"Just answer it, boy genius" I replied.

He sighed. "I miss Maeve. But, it's not that bad when I'm with you. That's why I asked you to stay here last night...You remind me of her, you know...she wouldn't want me to be depressed. She wants me to go on with my life and be happy. I mean, of course I'm sad and all, but it's better with you. So thank you for being here for me" he said and held my hand.

"I'll always be here for you, Spence. When are you going to realise that?!" I said and squessed his hand.

"What fo you mean?" he asked with a frown.

"Never mind...Let's go get ready" I said and headed to my bedroom to pick out black clothes for the last goodbye to Maeve.

Head Over Heels for A GeniusTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang