Soulmate AU!

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Soulmates, do what you want with them. Not everyone has to fall in love with the person they were given.

A soulmate mark is a heart, the color of your soulmate's eyes. Sometimes it can be multiple colored, or just one.

Beacon University. A place where people go to learn and enjoy themselves as they make their own paths in the world. However, some came for more than that. Some came and lost themselves at the difficulty that came with the school, but others continued. Driving themselves to a better future.

It was October 13th, Qrow Branwen's birthday. He didn't make much of it, but a certain someone did.

Summer Rose. She was always super energetic with every fiber of her being. No matter the atmosphere around her, she would find a way to make it more up-beat.

Which in this case, was something she had been waiting for.

"Qrow! Happy 16!" A screech came from the somewhere in the room. Qrow sprung awake, quickly searching the room, trying to find from where the voice was coming from.

The room had two sets of bunkbeds. Luckily, Qrow's was on the floor so he wouldn't have fallen from the noise. The side he was on was littered with posters. A shelf lay in the center of the room, the opposite of the window in between the beds. On the opposite side, the wall lay bare. No signs of decor. He didn't mind the tight space, as long as he got the space he needed for his own.

"Summer, it's not that big of a deal." Qrow grumbled as he crossed his legs. As he did so, a white hooded girl sprang from the bed above where he sat.

"Of course it is! You get your soulmate mark today!" The girl exclaimed.

The girl, Summer, was fairly short. Her hair was dark, with red tips in half a ponytail. Her eyes were silver. She wore a white, too big, hoodie with black leggings.

"Now, let me see!" Summer was bouncing with energy as she waited for Qrow to slowly roll out of bed. She quickly grabbed at Qrow's arms, searching for the marks. The mark was located on his left arm, right below the bend of his elbow. The heart was teal-green. Once found, she squealed at the color.

"Eeek! Your soulmate's eyes are so pretty!" Summer was bouncing where she stood as Taiyang and Raven entered the room.

"Summer, please calm down." The gentle voice came from Taiyang.

Taiyang Xaio Long. Blonde short curly hair. He was average size, not much muscle, but not too small. He wore cargo pants and with a brown short sleeved shirt. His eyes an ocean blue.

Summer quickly whipped around, meeting Raven's eyes. "That reminds me, Raven." A mischievous smile grew on her face. Raven rolled her eyes, lifting her right arm in defeat.

Raven Branwen. Twin sister to Qrow, but only 14 minutes older. Black untamable long hair, tall black boots that rode past her knees. Black skirt, and red long sleeved shirt. Her eyes a deep red.

There was a multi-colored heart. Half silver, half blue. Summer's eyes lingered for a moment longer than necessary. Quickly realizing, she peeled her hoodie off, revealing another multi-colored heart. This time, blue and red.

Tai was slow to comprehend the scene unraveling before him, but once he caught on, he pulled up his short sleeve to reveal a third multi-colored heart. Silver and red.

"So does this mean the three of your are all soulmates?" Qrow scowled at the scene. He glanced down at his own heart as a frown appeared on his face. Couldn't have been silver? Damn luck. He sighed at the thought.

"Well, this sure is something, isn't it." Raven hissed as she dropped her arm, crossing both in front of her chest.

"Sure is." Taiyang added from behind her. Raven frowned.

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