Teacher AU!

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I just would like to say something before yall read this: The soulmate au I posted before this was something I created within two weeks and it's also on AO3! I'm also currently working on three other stories/one shots along with this, so please have patience! I can only write so much!!

Prompt requested by: AlphaWolf0215!
(I tried, and I'm sorry if it's not what you fully expected! T^T)

It was a nice, chilly day for it being the beginning of autumn.

And one Qrow Branwen loved the weather.

Though he'd rather be in the warmth, he enjoyed fall. He enjoyed his job at Beacon Academy and being able to see the kids he taught be able to achieve their dreams and come up with goals for their future.

But on his way to school, he remembered why he disliked it.

One mister Clover Ebi.

Yes, Qrow didn't like the other teacher, but he had to tolerate him since his class was right next to his. To him, Clover was a pest. Always bothering Qrow when be wanted to be alone, always smiling, is never upset. Clover was what Qrow called the 'perfect child'. Both teachers taught almost the same material even. Qrow taught writing classes while Clover taught poetry classes.

He hated it.

Lucky for him, his nieces picked up on it.

The amount of times Qrow had talked about Clover at the house, they believed he actually liked the teacher.

So they teased him.

"Come on Uncle Q, why don't you just TALK to the man! He isn't even that bad!" Yang whined as her blonde long hair whipped in the wind. Her lilac eyes big and round, staring into Qrow's pale red eyes.

"Yeah! Just...I don't know, talk to him!" Ruby gripped his shoulders and lightly shook him.

"Girls," Qrow hissed as he stood from where they sat. The three were at a nearby park by a bench while other moms and their kids played on the slides and swings. "He's a pest, all he does is smile!"

"That's all you've said that makes him bad. Plus, you need a little smile in your life!" Yang belted as she gripped the ends of his sleeves. "Just maybe get to know him. I'm sure he's not ALL smiles either."

Qrow let out a heavy sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

Did he really need some smiles in his life? His kids and his nieces gave him a lot, but was it enough?

"Fine, fine! I'll do it if you will be quiet." He caved. Maybe he could use some more smiles, who knows. Clover Ebi was pretty hot.


It was the next Monday Qrow promised to talk to Clover Ebi.

But when he entered his room, there was a larger man standing in front of his desk. The man was tall, his hair black with an unshaved black bushy beard. He stood tall, arms behind his back, almost military stance like.

"Clover, why not come back to the force?" The mans voice was deep. His tone was borderline begging. Who was this guy to Clover? Force? Was Clover a military man before exchanging jobs to being a teacher? But one question stood out in Qrow's mind.

Why did he switch jobs?

"I told you already, General. I have my reasons why I left. Now please, there is someone I need to talk to," Clover said, his tone filled with annoyance as he peaked around the General's frame and at Qrow. Once their eyes met, Clover's expression softened, a small smile replacing the frown he once had. The General turned to face Qrow. His icy blue eyes piercing through his person. It was intimidating.

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