All's Fair In War (Cafe AU part 5)

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"Qroooowww!! Hurry up!" a voice squeaked as he zoned out, staring out the large windows at the nearby planes.

"Qrow!" A small woman threw herself at a young Qrow. Her hair was dark with red tips and pulled into a half bun. Her white cloak draped to the floor, almost twice her size. Her eyes were big and silver.

"Uh...what did you say, Summer?" Qrow glanced down at the woman, her expression unamused.

"I'm about to leave, and this is how you see me off? Rude," she scoffed as she playfully punched Qrow's arm.

"Sorry, shorty. I got a little distracted...are you sure you gotta go?" he asked hesitantly.

"I know how my job is..."

"You never told me what you were even doing, or where you're going."

"I can't, Qrow. My boss said I can't tell anyone..."

"Any reason as to why?"

"Just leave it. I don't want to get into details," she said hesitantly as she reached up to scratch the back of her neck.

"Alright...but do you have to be gone so long? I can only stand Tai for so long." He chuckled as he ruffled the woman's hair lightly.

"Actually...I won't be back until next year..." Summer fiddled with her thumbs, trying to distract herself.

"What!" Qrow yelped as he gripped her shoulders. "Why? What happened? You were-"

"Qrow, shhh." She chuckled as she spoke. "Don't worry, I'll keep you guys updated! I'll call every night, and any free time we have! We'll keep in touch...we'll be okay..." She placed a hand over Qrow's gently. A shiver racked his body as he let out a heavy sigh.

"Baby bird, you'll be fine...and..." she began, but stopped mid sentence. Carefully picking her next words. "Take care of your nieces..." she said with a small smile, her eyes shimmered in the light.

"Summer! You're gonna be late!" A young blonde man with ocean blue eyes ran up. Slight stubble on his chin.

"Ahh! Tai!" Summer exclaimed as she threw herself into her husband. "I'll miss you, my dragon," she chuckled as she nuzzled him slightly.

"I'll miss you too, my rose," he said as he pecked her lips.

"Gag! Couples..." A pale woman walked from behind Tai. Her hair black and long, as her piercing red eyes glared in the direction of the couple.

"You did hit him too, Raven." Qrow smirked as Raven made her way to him.

"Barf." Was all she said in response.

"Oh Raven, you love us," Summer said as she snuggled up against Tai even more.

"He was right, ya know. You'll miss your flight if you keep doing this," Raven said, almost completely monotone.

"Ah! Right!" She withdrew herself from Tai and collected her things. "I'll miss you guys..." she murmured as she made her way to the gate.

"Remember to call us when you get to the hotel!" Tai called to her as she made her way into the plane.

But the call never came.

The news flashed on as the three waited patiently, but it quickly caught their attention. The news was reporting a crash - a plane crash. Qrow became breathless as it played, explaining what happened, but nothing made sense. The plane seemed fine, everything seemed perfectly fine! Why did she have to be on the plane? She didn't deserve it. As the cameras scrolled through to the wreckage, Qrow couldn't bring himself to watch. It was too painful for him. His best friend was gone.....

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