Celab AU (part 2)

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I ended up disliking the way this turned out, so I might just redo it at some point, but eh. I also didn't edit it due to that fact, so I'm sorry if there are any errors!! >_<

Requested by: AlphaWolf2015

The simple connection between Qrow and Clover blossomed. Sure, Qrow was still in bodyguard in public, but in the safety of their home, he was his boyfriend. Clover enjoyed every part of it. Being able to fluster Qrow outside when he couldn't do anything about it. He enjoyed teasing his boyfriend, but, of course, Qrow would always get his revenge back at the house. Everything was going great, until one day a crazed fam showed up to one of the meet and greats.

"I'm a huuuuuge fan~" the girl exclaimed excitedly as she twirled towards Clover.

"Ma'am, please take a step back."'Qrow held his hand out shoving the girl back slightly. The girl glared up at him, an evil glint in her eyes.

"Daaaaad!" She shouted as she began whining.

"What is it, April?" A short man walked over, his dark curls bouncing as he stepped.

"Dad, this man touch me!" She yelled as she threw a finger towards Qrow.

"Excuse me sir, she was getting too close to Mr. Ebi-" Qrow began, but the father cut him off

"That doesn't give you the right to touch my daughter," he spat as he glared. Qrow grew irritated.

"Look, your daughter was invading his person space. If you were in his shoes, would you have wanted me to get involved?" He spat right back.

"Well...yes but-"

"Take your daughter leave if you're going to be this disrespectful."

Something...unexpected happened.

The girl whipped around, dragging a blade across Qrow's midsection. His eyes flared with anger as gripped the girl's wrist.

"Get...out..." venom dripped from every word as he removed the blade from her hand, aggressively. Gently, he set it down out of the way. A swift punch landed to his gut, causing he to let go and double over in pain. More security made their way through the crowd, roughly escorting the pair out.

"Oh my gods, Qrow!" Clover nearly jumped over the table, capturing his boyfriend into a tight squeeze.

"I'm...fine..." he huffed as he stood, wincing as the cut stung.

"No you're not. Let's get out of here..." Clover muttered as he stared, desperation filling his eyes. Qrow's eyes became glossy as he glanced over at.

He caved, "Fine..."

The pair made their way through the back, calling an ambulance on the way. The cut was much deeper than either thought, blood stained the cloth around it, causing it to stick to his skin. Luck for him, his suit was black so it didn't look like a murder scene. When they arrived in the hospital, Qrow had to get stitches, but luckily he was able to leave within a few hours. The couple decided to cancel all the meet and greats and signings for the following week so Qrow could recover peacefully. Clover took care of his boyfriend, making sure they he didn't do anything stupid to rip the stitches. He helped wash him, clean around the house, cook, etc. He took over most of Qrow's duties so he could recover quicker.

After two weeks, Qrow was all good again. The couple went back to the hospital and they removed the stitches. Even so, he still had to take it easy. He was able to get back to his duties of being a bodyguard at least.

But things weren't so good.

After the hiatus of signings, the amount of crazed fans grew. And Qrow's job got more hectic. He slowly eased back into, allowing another member of security help out, especially in the front. But looks didn't quite work out. Qrow got hurt again, but it was as serious, only a fractured arm. He still worked, but stayed by Clover's side at all times. He never left, even went he used the bathroom. He became less of a guard and more of a partner.

But they liked it.

The couple got to spend more time together and were allowed to be more affectionate out in public. And none of the fans questioned it, nor did they really care.

They were happy with our their lives turned out.


Cafe update tomorrow!!!

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