Cafe AU (part 1)

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Detective work can be stressful and lead to over working. Despite this, Clover never really minded it because it made him feel comfortable. He fit right in with his new routine fairly quickly after joining the force, too.

He woke up at 5 a.m., an hour long workout, showered, had a quick breakfast, and left around 7 a.m., though only after playing with his little gray and white pomsky, Kingfisher.

He even had a routine at the office. When Clover arrives, Marrow, one of the other detectives in his department, always welcomes him. As he made his way to the coffee machines, he says 'hello' to the other detectives.

Clover, along with Marrow and three other detectives, are all part of the Ace Ops. The Ace Ops are General Ironwood's best detectives.

But today was different.

No no, there were no other Ops there.

Once Clover arrived at his desk, there was a note with the word 'urgent' written in big letters. He quickly read through it.


Sorry for not being able to say good morning, but we were called out early today. Also, go check with the General. He said he needed you, but isn't able to come out of the office.


Clover quickly tossed the note aside and headed towards the General's office, emptying his coffee on his way.

"Ah, Clover. Welcome." The General was dressed in his usual attire, white slacks with a white overcoat. His expression looked pained, which only concerned Clover more.

"I was told you needed to speak with me, what can I do for you?"

"As you may have noticed, your team has been sent out to Mantle. We've spotted both Tyrian Callows and Arthur Watts nearby. I want you to take Robyn and go find Watts. The others are going after Callows."

"If I may, why Robyn?"

"You know her, she's a good detective, and even better at getting the truth."

"Right. When should we head out?"

"As soon as possible."

"Yes sir."

Clover walked out of the General's office and made his way towards Robyn, passing by cubicles of other workers.

Robyn Hill is a phenomenal detective, known throughout both Atlas and Mantle for how easily and quickly she can throw people in jail with solid evidence.

Clover decided that this was a good reason to cooperate with her.

Though, it didn't come without struggles.

Clover and Robyn didn't get along in the beginning. Mainly they were just able to tolerate one another, but now, people would say they are pretty close.

So, when Clover asked Robyn to help him, she, of course, teased him.

"What, the General said you needed me? I'm honored. Why me anyway?" When Clover explained to Robyn what the General had said, her face was filled with pure annoyance.

"You're one of the best detectives, plus I need your interrogation attitude."

"Wow, I thought he hated me."

"Robyn, just, let's go so we can get finished quickly."

"Why the rush, Lucky?"

"I have things I need to work on. So I would like it if we could hurry this up."

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