Cafe Au (part 2)

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The two finally made their way to the hospital where the others were.

"Geez Lucky, what took you so long?" Robyn jabbed a finger at his chest. A grin made its way on her face.

"Had to make a quick stop. That reminds me, Tai texted," Qrow said as he approached his nieces. "Now, shall we go in? It's getting kinda cold out here."

"Oh uh, right this way." Clover pushed open the door to the hospital, leading into a pristine white waiting room. A few paces forward was a desk with a lanky man with wild green hair and glasses.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" He spoke fast as the group approached.

"We're here to see Ms. Polendinna and Ms. Nikos." Clover was the one to speak up.

"Ah yes. One moment please."

The doctor turned to a computer, scrolling through folders and typing out a few things.

"Ms. Polendinna is in room 324, while Ms. Nikos is 323. Just go right down that hallway and they should be on the right." He pointed to his left.

"Thank you doctor." Clover nodded as the group followed the direction. The corridor was long and bright. Rooms were dispersed, making the spaces seem big. It wasn't until the group arrived in Pyrrha's room did they realize just how big they actually were. The space had a bed pushed up against the far wall, a chair next to the bed, and a small couch for two people next to the window. Their eyes drifted throughout the room, a table sat by the window with flowers, but as they looked towards the bed, no one was there.

"Where' Pyrrha?" Ruby yelped as she ran towards the bed, shoving the blankets around as if she would appear.

"Pyrrha was up and walking around yesterday when I visited. I'm sure she's just stretching her legs." Clover attempted to calm her down as he slowly approached her. "Why don't we go check on your other friend?"

"Yeah, okay." Ruby stood and was the first out of the room. An excited yelp came through as the door to Penny's room slid open.

"Friend Ruby! It is so good to see you!" Penny's voice was filled with excitement and joy. Her emerald eyes shimmered as her eyes met with Ruby.

"Penny! I'm so glad you're okay!" Ruby ran towards her and, very carefully, scooping her into a hug. Penny's ginger hair bounced as she was brought into Ruby's arms.

"How are things? What all have I missed?"

"Not much, but you'll be out of here in no time!"

The two girls held onto each other like they were their only lifeline. Then the door slid open again, this time, a red headed girl walked in.

"I thought I heard familiar voices," the girl giggled as her green eyes shimmered with joy.

"Hey Pyrrha." Yang gathered her in a tight squeeze.

"Hello Yang, Ruby. How are you all?" Yang let go, both girls wearing a soft smile as they gazed at each other. Pyrrha then turned her head towards Ruby.

"Well, Jaune really misses you. I'll make sure he knows you're awake!"

"Thank you, Ruby. I've missed all of you. Is everyone okay?"

"We've been...something, that's for sure." Yang's left hand drifted towards her right, and upon further inspection, was a prosthetic.

"Yang, how did..." Pyrrha grabbed onto her prosthetic gently and examined it. "I'm so sorry."

"Pyrrha, it's okay. This wasn't your fault." She lifted her real arm, swiping a stray strand of hair out of Pyrrha's face. "And don't worry, we're all good now, see?" She waved her arm around, demonstrating that it was like a real limb.

Fairgame AUsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora