All's Fair in War (part 6.5)

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This is the rest of Chapter 6 so lMAO DON'T ATTACK ME


The hospital door slid opening, revealing Oscar, Marrow, and Clover. Oscar was the first to step in, the other two following closely behind.

"You're...awake..." Oscar murmured, tears filling his big hazel eyes. He made his way to the side of the bed, taking Qrow into a tight hug.

"Hey've been treating Clover and the others good?" He teased as he smiled fondly at the boy's love.

"Better than you," he said, a large smile on his face.

"Good. Been doing your school work?"

"Yep! Even asked Clover for some help...I hope that's okay..."

"Of course it's okay..." Qrow ruffled his hair as he let a short laugh fall from his lips.


Clover watched as the two caught up. A warm smile spread across his features as Qrow smiled warmly at the boy.

"Hey Captain?" Marrow broke his daze as he began hesitantly. "Can we talk? Outside?"

He hummed, stepping out of the room, Marrow following. As he glanced at the Faunus, his tail immediately drooped.

"How much did you hear...?" He asked hesitantly.

"...when Harriet asked 'where the hell I was'." A humorless laugh fell from his lips as he forced a broken smile on his face. "Sounded angry..."

"Ever since you met him, it felt like you gave him more attention, more to her than the rest of us." Marrow's voice was filled with pain as he gazed passed Clover.

"I..." Clover looked up into his large eyes. He sighed as he placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"We were worried about you too...since he was brought here, you seemed more tired than normal..."

Clover's expression broke, turning into one of pain. "I'm sorry, Marrow. I didn't mean to worry any of you, really..."

"It's okay, Captain!" Marrow's tail wagged as a large smile grew on his features. "Just...I hope everything is okay now," he said as he calmed his hyper mood.

Clover smiled at the man as he said, "Everything should be fine."

"I'll see you at the office then."

The two shared a goodbye as Marrow stepped back into Mantle streets.


"I'm glad you're awake..." Oscar's voice was barely above a whisper as Clover and Marrow left the room.

"I am weren't hurt, were you?"

"I'm fine, trust me." Oscar chuckled as he ruffled Qrow's hair. "I heard you had an energetic day."

"All the kids came earlier...hell of a show..." Qrow chuckled along with the boy. He looked around the room, noticing a few vases of flowers scattered throughout. Some were roses, but most were black lilies. He smiled, heat spreading throughout him.

He realized the kids loved him...

"Hey kiddo, mind helpin' me out?" He glanced back at Oscar, a hint of a mischievous smile on his face.

"Okay..." he said hesitantly, but shuffled closer to the bed. Qrow sat up, slightly wincing as he did so. He swung his feet off the bed and slowly stood.

"Wow...." Oscar chuckled as he launched himself into his person.

"It's nice to be able to stand again..." he wrapped his arms around the boy. He had to lean over slightly since Oscar was short, but he didn't mind the pain that came with it.

He was with his kid again, and he knew he was okay.

His kid...

"Very cute, maybe I should take a picture and frame it," Clover said teasingly as he stepped back into the room. Qrow looked up, a slight blush forming on his face as red stared into teal, a warm smile on his face. Oscar pulled away a little to look up at Clover. He nodded and shoved his face back into Qrow's abdomen.


Before, Oscar wasn't a super clingy kid, but upon meeting Qrow and getting to know him, he opened up to the man. Eventually, he assumed him as his adoptive father.

Something he was never able to have.

When Oscar was young, his birth parents died, so his aunt took him in. Even so, his childhood wasn't the best. His home was over run, his aunt even pushed him out. He was forced to leave.

And so, when Qrow found him, he wasn't the first to trust. Slowly, but surely, they were able to relate to one another, able to help, to trust.

Oscar found his home, a haven he was never able to have. So he wanted to cherish every part of that haven that he could. Every part he could love and hold.

And to Qrow, maybe parenting wasn't that bad...


After a few recovery days and check ups with the nurses, Qrow healed nicely and was finally able to go home.

On the trek back home, Clover was able to escort Qrow, just incase a psychotic scorpion murder chose to send him back immediately.

Ever since night Qrow and Oscar were attacked, Clover hadn't been able to get a good night sleep. Always fearing whether Qrow would never wake or the kids would be attacked in the middle of the night.

But being there with Qrow, in that moment, he felt relieved. He felt as though something had lifted off his shoulders, allowing him a better range.

"You good there, Cloves?" Qrow snarked as he tilted his head cockily towards the man in question. He froze, heat raising to his cheeks as he stared back at him.

"Yes, I'm completely fine...better question is how are you feeling?" He quickened his pace, falling into step with Qrow as they walked to his house. They passed by lit Mantle buildings. A much better vibe for Qrow.

"Little sore, but nothing I can't handle," Qrow said as he slowed his pace. His eyes drifted towards the concrete below his feet. His mind began to spiral, recalling more memories of the attack.

Memories of what Tyrian said before he blacked out....

"You sure?" He hadn't realized, but Clover noticed quickly and stood directly in front of him. His teal eyes stared softly, a warm smile dancing on his lips as he looked fondly at Qrow. As much of a facade he could muster, inside, Clover was shaking. He didn't mean to, but the two were close, physically. He could feel his breath on his lips as the man breathed slowly.

"Qrow...?" Clover began again, more hesitantly this time. In response, Qrow shook his head violently, looking up with a horrified expression.

"Y-yeah?" His voice was shaky. Clover slowly pulled him into a short hug. Qrow's body tensed as Clover's arms wrapped around his thin frame, but he slowly melted into the hug.

Wanting to feel safe....

"We should talk..." Qrow muttered into Clover's ear as he melted deeper into the man's hug.



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