Cafe AU (part 3)

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(Little note at the bottom, please read!!)

The alarm clock blared, causing Clover to spring out of bed, ready for the day.

But he didn't really land on his feet.

No, due to the lack of sleep, he slipped and fell right on his face.

He groaned as he moved to stand, but his body refused. His arm dropped heavily to the floor as he began pushing upward. He tried standing multiple times, but nothing happened. He wasn't able to stand.

So he just laid there.

On the floor.

As the alarm clock continued ringing, he rolled over onto his back, staring at the ceiling.

As he recalled the events of the day before, heat rushed throughout his person, a slight blush creeping on his face. He sat up slapping his face, attempting to wake himself.

It didn't work.

The image of Qrow filled his thoughts as he leaned against the bed frame. Thoughts spiraled through his mind. What would it be like to hold him? What about seeing him in his-

But his thoughts were quickly terminated. He shook his head as quickly as the thoughts spiraled out of control.

"No, no, he's just a new friend."

He tried telling himself he was just a friend. That's all he'll ever be, right?

Once the refusal of his muscles stopped, he finally stood. Though, he decided to not workout and try and get another hour of sleep.

Sleep still didn't come easily.

He tossed and turned throughout the hour. Just trying to close his eyes and keep them closed, but the sun shined through the curtain, causing him to not be able to drift. Heat coursed throughout his person as thoughts of Qrow continued to whirl.

But soon came his anxiety of being rejected. What if he didn't like him? What if he said no? What if Qrow HATED him?


He shoved his face in his pillow, attempting to calm his nerves.

But it still never happened.

So he did what he thought he had to do.

Take an ice cold shower.

He stood slowly, making his way around the few stacks of papers and towards the bathroom. When he turned the nozzle, the shower head began pouring down water. Clover quickly stripped down and stepped in. He yelped slightly as the cold water poured down his back, but he quickly adjusted to the temperature. He turned slightly so the cold water could hit his whole person before turning it up and cleaning the dirt and sweat from the day before.


Luckily, for the rest of his morning, it went smoothly. After getting out of the shower, he whipped himself up a nice, small breakfast, got dressed, and headed to the office.

Once arriving at the office, his team quickly picked up on his tiredness.

"The hell happened to you?" Robyn was the first to notice and, of course, the one to point it out.

"Thanks Robyn. I couldn't get much sleep. I'll be fine."

"Why was that?"

"None of your business."


"Robyn, I'm not telling you. Besides, it's my love life, not yours."

"Who said this was about a love life?"

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