Cafe AU (part 4)

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It all happened so fast. All Qrow could see was a long black braid whipping around before he felt it. A long metallic tail came slashing at his midsection. The cloth quickly became soaked with blood as he gripped at his side.

"Run, Oscar! As far as you can get-"

He was quickly cut off by Tyrian going in for another swipe. Luckily, he had enough strength to duck out of the way. He reached for his boot lazily, but found nothing. His footing slipped slightly as he fell to his knees.

"Looks like the bird isn't doing so well."

"L-leave the kid alone..." Qrow begged as he tried to stand.

"Oh, pretty birdie, we won't harm him...very much." Tyrian lifted Qrow's chin, their eyes meeting. A large, mischievous grin spread across the Faunus' face. "But the same won't be said for you..." his eyes seemed to have flashed from gold to purple quickly. Qrow stared in horror as his gut stung from the pain.


"Help!" Oscar screamed as he ran down the sidewalk, wishing, hoping, to find someone to help Qrow. "Please! Anybody!"

"No one will save you, child," Cinder spoke as she swooped in, landing in front of Oscar.

"Why? What do you even want from me?" Oscar's voice wobbled as he jumped backward, losing his balance. As he fell down, he saw a glimpse of a large group, walking- no no, they were running. Cinder stepped forward towards Oscar, dragging a small blade across his gut. He yelped in pain.

"Cinder Fall, step away from the child, now!" Robyn yelled as she whipped her gun out from it's holster.

"Well, well, looks like the party is over..." she spoke, irritation and venom dripping from every word as she backed up towards an alleyway. Ruby and Yang scrambled towards Oscar, helping him to his feet.

"Put your hands in the air!" Robyn continued.

"," Cinder said, a sinister grin grew on her face as an agonizing scream filled the air. "Looks like Tyrian did something right for once."

"U-Uncle Qrow!" Ruby yelped as she saw the scorpion Faunus stroll down the sidewalk, carrying a limp body.

"Quickly get the kids and we can get out of here," Tyrian said as he approached Cinder.

"Gods damn it!" Clover took his gun out of the holster, firing a few bullets at the two. As the pellets flew towards the pair, Tyrian dropped Qrow onto the cold, hard ground.

"It's time to leave..." he said, annoyed. The pair dodged the best they could as they ran off.

"Robyn, Harriet!" Clover yelled as he turned to face the two.

"On it!" Robyn put the gun down as she began to run after them. Harrier following closely behind.

"Uncle Qrow! Please, please!" Ruby ran to her uncle, tears running down her face. Yang and Oscar followed quickly behind as the detectives watched in horror.

Elm walked over cautiously as she spoke, "Let's get you all to a nearby hospital..." she rested a gentle hand on Ruby's shoulder. Tears continued to stream down her face.

Yang on the other had kept steady. Even so, she still felt pain in her heart.

Was Qrow going to die...?


As the ambulance arrived, Clover fell into a spiral. Should he go back to the office, or stay with the kids?

Well, he had to stay with the kids.

Sure, they were old enough to take care of themselves, but after seeing their Uncle get attacked...

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