Celeb AU

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Requested by: AlphaWolf2015
(I hope this is good!!!!)

Clover Ebi, a famous model. Everyone loves him, even the guys.

When he was younger, he always dreamed of making it, of becoming popular, becoming a star.

And when it finally happened, he felt empty.

He had no one to go home to, no one to look forward to after a long day, no one to share his never-ending love with.

He bad given up hope for having a family, or even having a spouse.

But it wasn't until a very handsome body guard was assigned to him did he think this way.


"This is Clover Ebi. You will be staying with him from here on out. You are his body guard. This means you have to listen to Mr. Ebi and stay with him at all times. Understood, Mr. Branwen?"

Qrow Branwen was a man that liked to close himself off from other people. He tended to stay to himself rather than be with a large group of people. He enjoyed the quiet. He wasn't big, but he could take someone out it need be. He was strong mentally and physically.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say, Jimmy."

Jimmy, or better know as James Ironwood, is Clover's manager. Takes care of all the photoshoots, meet and greats, and signings.

"Qrow, please, don't screw this up." James' tone was borderline begging. The two had been arguing back and forth for half an hour.

"James, I understand. I won't screw it up...this time..." Qrow's voice faltered slightly as he reached the door handle.

"Good...farewell, Qrow."

"You too."

Qrow exited the office, making his way out of the building, and on route to Clover Ebi's house. Upon arrival, he questioned why he had such a small house for how rich he was. Most celebrities owned huge houses, but not Clover. He had a small, quaint house.

Really only big enough for himself and a guest.

Even so, the house was beautifully decorated. The front had a small pathway with grass and flowers leading the way to the door. The walls of the building were a pristine white with dark stacked rocks a few feet from the bottom. The roof slanted upwards with lime green colored  shingles. As Qrow got closer to the door, he noticed small patterns on the walls of the outside. Swirls of lime green leafs popped out at him as he neared the door.

"Here goes nothin'..." he muttered to himself. Raising a fisted hand, he knocked on the door. A few silent moments passed, he heard shuffling from the other side. Soon, the door swung open. Qrow was now face to face to Clover. The two were around the same height, but Clover stood slightly taller than him. His brown hair was combed very lazily as teal eyes stared at him.

"Can I help you?" The man rubbed at his tired eyes, wiping the sleep from them.

"You're Mr. Ebi, correct?" Qrow questioned unamused.

"That's me, yes."

"I'm Qrow Branwen, your new body guard. May I come in?"

"Oh...o-of course." Clover side-stepped, giving Qrow room to walk in.

"Nice place. Get many visitors?" Qrow turned on his heel, now inside and facing Clover.

"No, not many. Just James really." As he shut the door, he turned towards the kitchen. "Can I get you anything?"

"Coffee would be nice."

"Guessing black?"


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