Hospital AU

185 3 6

Sorry that this one is a lot shorter!!

Requested by: AlphaWolf2015
(I hope this is good enough!)

"Listen, Tai, I'll be there in a few. I won't be late, promise." Qrow talked into his phone, becoming a little animated.

"Are you sure?" There was a man's voice on the other end. His tone seemed irritated.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Where were you? Me and the girls are super worried!"

"Don't...don't worry. I had to run a few errands. I'm on-"

First, there was beeping, then suddenly, a large truck came crashing right into his frame. As he attempted to leap out of the way, metal scraped hard against his boney hip. His phone dropped, shattering on the floor.

"Qrow? Qrow! Hello? Are you there?" Quickly, the tone shifted from irritation to worry.

Qrow's body lay limp on the cold hard asphalt. Sirens blared as cars raced around.

"Oh my gods, is he-" the man from the big truck hopped out, trying to get a closer look at Qrow's limp body.

"You damn near killed the man! Are you that much of an idiot?" A small woman blazed as she threw her hands up.

"I'm sorry, I-"

"Just call the ambulance! Quick!"

The man quickly dialed 911.

Once they responded, he gave the street name, and the details of what happened.

After a few minutes, the EMTs arrived.

"Hey, Ebi, the man still alive?" A large woman leapt out of the truck, her brown hair pulled into a ponytail.

"He is, but his breathing is shallow and his pulse is weak. We need to get him to the hospital stat." A large framed man leaned over Qrow, his brown hair falling slightly as he knelt.

His body was hastily picked up off the ground and loaded into the vehicle. As the EMTs did the rest of their jobs on the way, Qrow's breathing got better, his pulse stronger.

Once they got there, they were met with smaller woman.

"Any wounds?" She asked.

"Had a really bad bit. He's got abroken leg, large gash on his abdomen, and a fractured wrist," Clover responded.

"Got it, need of any surgery?"

"Definitely. We need to get this gash fixed, and quickly too. Take him to the nearest room."

"On it."

And with that, Qrow was taken to a room, getting prepped for surgery.


The surgery was long. Not just to the surgeons, but also to Tai and his daughters.

Once the surgeons exited the room, Tai sprung to his feet and asked, "His he okay?"

"He'll be just fine. It's a miracle he made it."

"Ah, okay. Thank you, uh?"

"Ebi, Clover Ebi. I'm guessing your this 'Tai', I presume?"

"How did you..."

"While he was under, he kept muttering about not wanting to fail you, or his nieces."


"I'm sorry for what happened."

"No, no, it's my fault. I shouldn't have been yelling at him to hurry up."

"Don't beat yourself up about it. He'll be fine. But he will need quite a lot of rest when he wakes. Be patient when he does."

"Are...are you not staying?"

"I...I have my job to do..."

"You should..."


"Sir, please stay..." a short dark haired girl with big silver eyes walked up from behind Tai.

"Okay...I will." A smile grew on Clover's face.

"Thank you," the girl beamed at him, her eyes glimmering.


Several days passed, and Qrow still hadn't waken up yet.

But his vitals were getting better.

His heart rate, pulse, and breathing were normal, though his wounds weren't healing very quickly.

The stitches from the gash were pulling slightly. His leg stuck in an uncomfortable position, same with his wrist.

But one day while Clover was checking up on him, he suddenly woke up.

"Where...where am I..." his voice was hoarse from the lack of use.

"Oh, uh...good morning, Mr. Branwen." Clover hesitated as he twisted in his chair. He was originally facing the monitor, checking to make sure they were good.

"Am I dead? Are...are you an angel?"

Then he coughed.

It was hideous, rough, scratchy, and long. He gripped the gash, wincing in pain.

"Hey hey, deep breaths." Clover rushed over to his bedside, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. Qrow's coughing soon settled as the grip on his stomach loosened.

"What...what happened?" His voice was even more ragged as he laid back into the bed.

"You were on the phone with someone and a truck came and hit you. You're lucky you came out with what you got."

"Is...are Tai and my nieces okay?" His eyes grew in size as Clover's met with his.

Red gazing into teal.

"...pretty..." the word slipped out of him, not even wanting to say it.

"Pardon?" A blush crept onto Clover's cheeks as his hand slowly fell from Qrow's shoulder. He blinked slowly as his hand on his abdomen fell back onto the bed. His gaze dropped, and his expression shifted from neutral to pain.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't worry about it..."

"Uncle Qrow? Uncle Qrow, you're awake!" The same girl from the day of the injury launched herself towards the bed.

But she never made it.

A taller blonde girl gripped at her, pulling her back harshly.

"Remember what dad said, be quiet and give him some rest."

"Hey, kids..." Qrow's eyes quickly flicked to his nieces, his face softening.

"Well, I'll leave you-" Clover started, but felt slim fingers wrap around his wrist weakly. His face heated as he slowly turned to Qrow, who was still looking at his nieces.

"Stay..." he whispered. He then turned to his nieces, wide smiles on their faces. They both gave him a small nod, confirming he should stay.

So he did.


Sooo, I uploaded a cafe AU as another story :3

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