Royalty AU

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Requested by: AlphaWalf2015
(I hope you liked it!)

Prince Branwen hated being royalty. He was being forced to marry someone from Atlas, someone whom he'd never met.

The same goes for his sister, but at least she knew who she was marrying. All the prince knew was the name. James Ironwood.

He'd asked his father on multiple occasions who the man was, but it always ended the same way "You'll find out soon enough."

He hated it.

Hated being left in the dark. Why couldn't he know the man he was to marry?


Throughout his time in Atlas, Clover never once questioned his orders. When he was told Prince Ironwood was to marry someone from Vale, he didn't ask anything. Neither did he when he was told he was to escort the prince to Vale to meet his spouse.

"Ebi, is everything ready?" King Baren asked as he approached the knight.

"Yes, your majesty. Is the prince ready to leave?"

"My son is on his way, yes. Please, take care of him for me." The weariness shown in his voice.

"I will."

Their conversation was cut short as Prince James Ironwood stepped into the room. His long white robes dragged on the floor slightly as his crown nestled on his black hair. The blue jewels matching with his icy blue eyes.

The pair got into the carriage as the horses neighed. The carriage sped off towards the city of Vale.


When Qrow was told he would be meeting his spouse, he was both ecstatic and terrified. What if this man didn't like him? What if he...


He can't let his mind wander.

He didn't want it to.

"You ready to meet him?" His sister asked as she walked up next to him.

At first, he was tempted to make up an excuse, but he didn't. "No...not really..." he couldn't lie to his own sister, he knew better.

"I'm sure he's a great man. James Ironwood, son of Baren Ironwood. An amazing leader," she said sarcastically.

"Gee, thanks Rae. Makes me feel sooo much better." He glared at her as she strolled around.

"They'll be here within the week. Make sure you're prepared."

"Always sunshine and rainbows with you, isn't it?"

"The same can be said for you."


"Cause you're just a dusty old crow."


"Someone who always picking up shiny things, no matter if it's trash or not."


"And don't give me the 'but they're shiny'! bullshit. You have trash all over you room!"


"Just...clean it up."

"Whatever you say, boss."

Raven then left Qrow to clean up his room. He threw away many little trinkets he'd collected throughout his years.

And he hated every second of picking which ones to get rid of.


The week passed by quickly for both princes. Prince Ironwood was now around an hour away.

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