3.5K 132 47


"Hey guys welcome
back to my channel
or if you're new you
know the drill." I say
as I start the video.

"I'm here with Charli
and we decided to
answer some
questions." I continue
and Charli smiles into
the camera.

"Hiii." Charli waves to
the camera adorably
before continuing, "get
this to 50k likes and I'll
make Ryann drop

"I guess I'll do that
for you guys, I mean
I've never dropped
merch.But anyways
let's start."

"How did you two
meet?" Charli reads
from her phone with
one of those thinking
looks on her face.

"To be honest I don't
even know it was like
we knew each other
forever. It was most
likely through tiktok
or Instagram though."
I explain and Charli

"But it's crazy, I
remember watching
your family videos
when I was younger
and I never even
thought I'd get to meet
you. But here I am."
Charli chuckles.

"Bruh I hate my old
videos because it's
so embarrassing,
like how did we get
subscribers." I laugh.

I pause but then
continue, "Next
question is any tips
for people who need
help coming out to
friends or family."

"Well neither of us had
the chance to come
out to our parents but
for me when I told Dixie,
it was kind of just
casual. She was talking
about everyone
wondering if she was
bisexual and it kind of
just came out that I liked
a girl." Charli answers.

"I didn't even have to
come out to my sister,
she was like 'you like
that girl huh?' I guess
she saw my old finsta
under some girls
Instagram where i
said 'rail me.' Who let
14 year old me talk like
that." I explain with a
light chuckle.

"Tell them the story
on how you told your
friends." Charli
suggests with a shrug.

"I decided I wanted to
tell Vincent first, I mean
he's my best friend. I
had it planned out and
everything. But it just so
happened that we liked
the same girl. She was
straight though, so he
kind of had me beat.
Then Vincent and I had
a big fight which led
Vincent to think I liked
him, so I told him I liked
the girl and not him." I

"I guess we really didn't
answer the question
though. But I don't know
what everyone's life is
like, I'd just say don't
stress about it and be
patient." Charli shrugs.

We answer a couple
of more questions and
tell stories correlating
with the questions.

"Lets end on a light
note, this question is
asking what our 'song'
is." Charli states
looking over at me.

"Renegade or Im a
bad bleep Addison
Rae." I joke with
charli who just rolls
her eyes.

"Honestly I don't
think we even have
a song." Charli
chuckles with a

"Anyways thank you
guys for watching till
the end, also go
subscribe to Charli's
channel." I say to the
camera before turning
it off.


"That was an
interesting two hours."
Charli chuckles as I put
the camera away and
she gets comfortable
in my bed.

"Yeah I guess, and
some how a almost 2
hour film session will
turn into like 15
minutes." I add with
a shrug.

"I see you got some
boxes, are you going
to start packing
soon?" Charli asks
after I join her in
laying on my bed.

"My dad and I have
a house picked, now
we are just waiting
for the owner to
accept the offer." I
answer, excited.

We listen as my
moms car pulls into
the driveway, she
isn't supposed to
be home for
another 2 days. She
was supposedly
going on a girls trip.

"Well if my mom says
anything rude to you,
ignore her. She
probably got dropped
on her head to much
as a kid." I state with
a frown.

But honestly if a
parent bullied me it
would hurt worse
then if it was
someone my age.

"I'll be right back, I'm
going to talk to my
mom." I say before
getting up and heading
to my doom downstairs.

When I get
downstairs I see my
mom who looks
terrible, like she's
been doing cocaine
since she was 15 or

"Hey, I thought you'd
be at cHArLi's house."
My mom says with an
eye roll as she grabs
a drink.

"That's the thing,
she's here right now."
I state uncomfortably,
my arms crossed.

"I told you, you can't
bring that thing in my
house." my mom yells
at me, and she did
this for what?

"Why can't you just be
happy for me, damn.
You always so pressed
and you wonder why
everyone wants to
leave you." I rant, and
I never really go off on
my mom because I'd
get my ass WHOOPED.

"It's not my fault all of
you are brats, I put a
roof over your head
and food on the table
and you're always
disrespectful." Mom
goes off.

"I'm not the one
being disrespectful,
Riley can't move out
because you have
all her money, you
are homophobic, and
are threatening to
fight for custody over
me when you don't
even want me." I yell,
holding back tears.

It's even more
awkward that Charli
is probably hearing
all this stuff.

"I want you, you're
my daughter but you
know I take my
religion seriously."
She replies calming
down but we all know
she is still angry.

"Okay and Jesus
died for everyone or
some which includes
the lgbtq+ so shut up.
I hate when people
use religion as an
excuse." I state.

"Whatever, I still don't
want you dating girls.
So get the rat out of
my house." My mom
barks folding her
arms "strictly."

"You're just trying to
piss me off at this
point, Charli isn't a rat
or a thing. Grow up, i
didn't realize you
were an insecure 14
year old again." I
shout at my mom
before storming away.

Walking into my
bedroom Charli gives
me a look of confusion
or something. But she
comes and gives me a
comforting hug.

yeah umm chile .
but so now Dixie and Griffin
are broken up or whatever
but he'll be in a few more
chapters :/

ALL I WANT | charli d'amelioWhere stories live. Discover now