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I started thinking
about everything in
my life and I
realized I don't
need a girlfriend or
a boyfriend right
now, I'm only 17.

It'll be a hard
change of course
because I like my
cuddles and other
cute relationship

Charli walks back
into my bedroom,
she has been
sleeping over the
last couple of days
just for fun.

"Rise and shine
sleepy head." Charli
chuckles, jumping
onto me on the bed.

"Kylie is that you?"
I question jokingly
as I stretch my

"Any special plans
for today?" Charli
asks curiously.

"Not unless you
sleeping over
another week is
"special"." I reply.

"Okay well we
are going out
today. I know you
like your bed but
I'm forcing you to
go see a movie
with me."

With a loud playful
over exaggerated
sigh I say, "fine but
you're paying."


We walk into the
movie with our
large popcorn
and head to one
of the top middle
rows because
those are the

"It's a good thing
not many people
are here." I
whisper to Charli.

"Yeah but I'm pretty
sure more people
might come even
though this movie
has already been
out almost a month."
Charli replies with
a shrug.

We still have a
couple of minutes
to wait so we just
chill on our phones.

"What the fuck that
looks like Chase
and Noah Neck." I
state lowkey
pointing towards
the entrance area

"Oh damn what a
Charli chuckles
before looking back
down at her phone.

I slide down in my
seat a little so they
don't somehow see
me. Even though
they sit three rows
in front of us.

But to no surprise
they see us and
move back to join

I don't mind Noah
that much but I
just hate Chase.
And we all know
Chase loves to
push my buttons.

Throughout the
movie Chase and
Charli are
constantly talking.
As if we weren't
supposed to be
watching the
movie and being

Probably being
overdramatic as
fuck I get up and

I could be a
complete ass and
just leave even
though I'm Charli's
ride. I'm not that
messed up though.

A couple minutes
later Charli walks
over to me to talk.

"What was that?
You left and didn't
say anything."
Charli questions,
trying her best not
to sound annoyed.

"I don't even know
why I agreed to
come, first you
know I hate movie
theatre's, second
you spend the
whole time with
Chase like be
respectful, and
you fucked up my

"Since when did you
not like movie
theatre's? And why
are you always so
mad about Chase?"
Charli questions
while getting attitude

"Nah Why did you
purposely go
talking to Sydney?"
I question back

"I don't even know
where you heard
that fake shit."
Charli replies.

"I'm surprised for
once Chase wasn't
lying." I state with a

"What are you
even talking about?"
Charli asks with a
confused look.

I answer, "I kind
of did a bad when
you left your
phone unlocked."

Charli looks
shocked but grows
angry and shakes
her head.

"Why are you mad
huh? You aren't
the one that got
their relationship
sabotaged. Even
though I hate
Chase, I would
never go that low."

Charli rolls her
eyes and walks
away like she's
the victim.

this is so over dramatic
bye. They'll get back
together soon I hope


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