Summer love (jinho x reader) [pt.2]

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You felt insecure so you just told him to drive to where he lives and there you would get a taxi home, because it's cheaper as well.

You looked out of the window and enjoyed the orange rays from the sun in the car, and you thought about whether Jinho could sing.

As you mustered courage and turned to him, he turned on the car radio and asked, "would you like to sing together? This song is quite popular-"

You were shocked for a moment and felt worried that he had an ability to read minds, but you still agreed.

The car was soon filled with his beautiful singing voice and you slept peacefully.

You woke up minutes later to Jinho tapping on your shoulder.

"Y/n, we reached," he said softly. You thanked him, embarrassed that you slept while listening to his angelic voice, and got off the car to collect your stuff to realise that you, a clutz who forgets the important stuff, did not bring your wallet along with you.

You smacked your head in frustration, and jinho, who sensed your deprivation, offered you to stay for a night.

You blushed, "I-if it d-doesn't trouble y-you-"

He chuckled at how adorable you were when you blushed and assured you, "nah, it's fine, but I have eight other brothers living here though."

Your eyes widen. "There's nine of you?!" You asked in shock as he nodded. "Woah-"

He unlocked the door and held it open, "after you."

You smiled happily at his manners and awkwardly entered the house which roofed nine brothers.

You blushed as he held your hands and dragged you in the house to introduce you to his brothers, who sat in front of the television watching a Soccer match.

"Hyung, who's that?" A guy with dark blue hair asked in curiosity.

You introduced yourself politely, "h-hi, I'm y/n.."

You were expecting a cold reply from the cool and good-looking brothers but they started acting like dorks and screamed around the room.



You laughed at the way they acted as you felt that they had already accepted you to be part of their family.

When everyone finally calmed down, both of you went for a shower and talked with jinho's brothers, Hui, Hongseok, shinwon, changgu, Yanan, Yuto, kino and Wooseok for a bit before to sleep in the guest room.

You wanted to cuddle since you usually couldn't sleep without being able to cuddle anything, but you aren't brave enough to ask.

You walked into jinho's room, gaining courage but then chickened out, even after he caught you.




You blushed and started mumbling excuses, but you knew you wanted it and went on to cuddle with him to sleep.

You didn't regret it one bit since it was comforting and you didn't loose sleep.

———————————The end——————————

Ahahaha this is cringeysndnn hope you enjoyed it anyway-
*speaking to a literally empty hall, probably only the ghosts* haha haha hah- I'm so lonely-

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