100 days and another 100 years more

29 5 18

Your eyes lit up and you nodded enthusiastically.

He sat beside you, getting ready to play the keyboard. You watched as his fingers walk gracefully across the keyboard, sounding out a beautiful melody. His music and vocals were mesmerising and soothing, it always calms you down whenever you're upset.

" I picture the sky as a colour changing canvas spread across the globe, wrapping Earth in its embrace.
I picture the beautiful sunset and sunrise, which tints the beautiful sky with pretty pink and orange
That's so gentle, so warm.
But I never forget that the sky has feelings too
Grey when the clouds break down and start crying.
The peaceful sound of water tapping against your windows, sometimes sympathising with you in your darkest.
I picture when it's bright and happy, right after a devastating rain
And watch as a rainbow appears in the ever peaceful sky.
Tireless stars in the universe shine bright as ever, in daylight and in nightfall, hidden in the black hall.
When people ask who my sky is
I'd say it's you. "

He finished it off by tapping a few more keys on the keyboard, smiling genuinely.

"I, uh.. hope it's good enou-," he paused in shock. "W-WAIT DID I S-SAY ANYTHING W-WRONG? PLEASE DON'T CRY I-I'M SORRY-"

You laughed and wiped off your tears and hugged him. "Nah, those were happy tears~," your words were muffled as you buried your face in his neck.

You both stated the same thing again, "I love you~"

You pulled away and hui giggled before kissing you, for a little longer this time.

You blushed and kissed him back, smiling. You probably forgot how to breathe after pulling away because, well, you were breathless..

"On our 365th day.. can you move in with me..?" Hui rubbed the back of his neck shyly.

You kissed him on his cheek and whispered in his ear, "why not?"

"REeAAAaaaLlYyYyYYy?!?!?!?!" Hui screeched softly and pecked you on your lips before squishing you in his tight hug.

You chuckled softly at how adorable he was and how he could still make your heart race just at the sight of him.

"Should I go home now..?" You mumbled softly to yourself, which was clearly heard by him

"Don't gOooooOo~," he pouted and whined, clinging on to your arm. "I wanna cwuddle you two shLeeP!"

You nearly fell off the chair at his aegyo, or rather, you fell for him(IM SORRY DONT KILL ME).

"Okay, okay, I won't," you blushed and he cheered.

He excitedly ushered you to quickly brush your teeth and wash your face before he did, and not long after he joined you on his bed.

You giggled at how he's all smiley and cute that day, and he hugged you.

"Together forever?" He held out his pinkie finger.

"Together forever," you hooked your pinkie and attached your thumb with his.

He smiled widely and kissed you affectionately before falling asleep like a baby.

"I love you so much...," you whispered and fell asleep in his warm embrace.
—————————— The End ——————————

DOubLe uPtdaTe cAuse iTs oUr pEntAgon oF leAdEo's birthdaY💕
Happy birthday to this precious prince potato aka king💖
Well I hoped you enjoyed this one shot and sorry for not posting-

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