July beach ( reader x yeo one)

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You ran to catch the door as soon as you heard the doorbell ring. You happily opened the door but then flushed in embarrassment when you realised it was just the mailman delivering the parcel.

"T-thanks," you felt your cheeks turn red as you collected the parcel that contained some clothes you bought online.

You closed the door gently and shook your head in shame, before heading to your room to try out your new clothes.

You tore open the package and quickly put it on, seeing if it looks okay on you.

You tucked the front of the baggy light blue long-sleeved button up shirt into the white shorts with a pair of stings used to tighten it dangling about.

You liked the outfit and took a quick mirror selfie, and were about to change back when the doorbell rang again.

Without thinking twice, you bolted to the door again, answering it with a smiley face.

"ChAnGggUUUuU~," you squealed.

"OmO, someone's really pretty today~," he pecked you on your lips.

You blushed and let him in. You took the plastic bags on his hand saying he didn't need to buy anything here but you felt grateful because you realised you were running out of snacks.

You skipped behind him and hugged him from the back, asking, "what would you like for lunch?"

He turned in your hug and hugged you back, replying with a sweet smile, "ooh, do you have a menu?"

You blushed and pouted, getting him to just tell you what he wanted to eat. He chuckled and dragged you to the kitchen insisting on cooking with you.

Well in the end you both cooked basic instant kimchi ramen and were watching "MBC favourite entertainment" while eating together.

You would squeal everytime you saw Hui cause he's just so adorable but changgu pouts at you jealously and tries to get your attention, well, successfully.

You checked the time and stretched your limbs, switching off the television and waking changgu, who was sleeping on your lap, up.

"It's time to go~," you smiled.

He yawned and groaned as he got up, ruffling his hair.  His sunshine energy starts radiating within seconds and he picked up some bags cheerfully.

"Let's goooooooo~," he dragged you out as soon as you switched the air-conditioner off and slipped on your sneakers.

You wanted to head back into your cool house immediately after hitting the summer air. The sun beat down mercilessly on your cap and the heat made you feel like you jumped into flames. You squinted your eyes in the bright afternoon sunlight as both of you made your way to changgu's car.

Soon enough, both of you were driving to the hottest spot (literally and non-literally) in summer.

You dug the legs of the portable chair into the sand and helped changgu to set up the rest of the stuff.

When you were finally done, you sunk into the chair lazily, but changgu definitely wasn't in the mood to laze around.

He took of his top, and you felt your face burn hotter than the sun rays as your eyes fell on his abs. He seemed pretty oblivious of it, though.

———————— to be continued ————————
Hewwoo im bacc with a changgu ff UwU
This is part1 lolol hope I can post pt.2 soon~
Tysm I hope you enjoyed this!

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