100 days and another 100 years more

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE HOETAEK~~!!" You squealed happily and squished him in your excited hug. "What do you wanna do today~?"

It's the hundredth day since the both of you started going out and coincidentally, it's hui's birthday too. Hui chuckled adorably and returned your hug, holding your hand.

"Ah.. I want to go shopping~," he smiled brightly.

You roll your eyes jokingly, "oh, of course it's shopping. Come on, let's go!"

Well, instead of you dragging him around shopping Malls, he was dragging you all over  different Malls, having the time of his life picking out what he likes.

You both came across an artistic and aesthetic accessory shop and decided to check it out. You walked down the aisle filled with bracelets and flipped through all of them, when one particular design caught your eye.

"Hui, over here!" You jumped about enthusiastically. "I found these!"

You showed him two firm metal bracelets with a crown dripping from each of the two. You both giggled happily and went on to look for some earrings, but to no avail. Giving up, you both paid for the bracelets and agreed to put it on during every date.

You clearly could put on the bracelet yourself but Hui insisted otherwise, until you fell for his imploring eyes and let him put it on. To your surprise, he went behind you, hugging you as he gently clipped on the shining bracelet. When he was done, he kissed your cheek and looked at you, still not letting go.

You turned your head to the side and smiled sheepishly, unable to hide your blush reddening your ears.

Hui suddenly leaned in and you felt his soft and full lips meet yours. By the time you pulled away, your face was as red as a tomato.

"I love you—," both of you chuckled and blushed as you said the same thing at the same time.

You guys then went to chase clothing shops, Hui couldn't stop making you fit into clothings and asking his never ending "does this look okay?" question.

Well, you practically said "yes" everytime because he looks good in everything. You both then went back to hui's apartment with hands filled with shopping bags, giggling.

"WoOOo," you stretched as soon as you put all your bags. "ThaT was hectic-"

You merely finished your sentences when Hui suddenly dragged you to the kitchen.

"I've got more things planned~," he reached in the freezer and shelter to fish out the instant tteokbokki packets. "Are you hungry?"

Your heart melted at his adorable eye smile. "Y-yeah-," you tried hiding your screaming red face.

You spent half an hour making instant tteokbokki with Hui and when you reached the dining room, you nearly screeched.

A candle stood in the middle of the table, it's flames burnt with pride as it lit the table in the dark room with orange-yellow hue. You notice the table had been set really neatly unlike when you first came in and the bags where placed elsewhere. You were in awe of the cute and romantic set up even if it is a little bit cringey.

"Now..," your thoughts were interrupted by hui's sweet voice. "Shall we have a spicy candle-lit dinner?"

You blushed at his cute wink and stuttered a "sure". He smiled happily and the both of you had fun eating and laughing together. It's those moments when you felt like everything could be forever, because the "everything" was right in front of you.

After washing the dishes, you retreated to his studio room, and pressed random keys on the keyboard.

"Do you want to hear the song I've been working on?" He looked at you and smiled.
———————— To be continued ———————

Hhhhhhhh well my writings are cringey :(
Hope you enjoyed this first part!💖💕❤️🧡💜

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