Best Date(Song) Ever (shinwon x reader) [pt.1]

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      You munched happily on the the McDonald's burger your date treated you to. Both of you found that you both had an odd obsession with burgers, hence you're here, in this noisy McDonald's café, having the best life chewing on fries and a chicken burger while sipping on strawberry milkshake.

      You couldn't help but glance his way countless times every few seconds, he's just too handsome. His imperfectly sized eyes, pretty lips, crackhead personality and flawless looks makes him so perfect. However, every time you look up at him, he's be caught staring at you, blushing hard, before looking away.

       After a tense and awkward half an hour, you patted your full stomach in satisfaction, giggling, "best lunch date I ever had!"

      Since neither of you planned out the date, you both decided to head to the nearest coin karaoke.

      After going round and round and round, you finally found that one coin karaoke booth in the middle of the street, squealing and lightly hitting his arm.

      "Found it, found it, found it!!" You screeched and ran towards the booth, grabbing his hand, not wanting anyone else to reach it before you guys did.

      You laughed and panted as you reached the     karaoke seconds before another group of friends did, slamming the door and nearly shattering the glass.

      You cheered as you added all the one direction songs available and started screaming into the microphone with him.

"You know, I know, you know I'll remember you
And I know, you know, I know you'll remember me
And you know, I know, you know I'll remember you
And I know, you know, I hope you'll remember
How we danced, how we danced"

      You sang this in your most beautiful voice with pride as this entire line was your favourite - no one could ever decipher this confusing part of the lyrics - except you, of course.

       Satisfied, you look up at your date, who watched you in astonishment.

      "Yes, shinwonion?" You teased him.

      "Yah- I told you not to call me that-," he pouted.

       You softened at the sight of his pouty lips, but then slapped yourself in your mind, when an idea hit your head.

       "Ah- lets sing this—," you exclaimed excitedly while you typed in the name of the song.

      Shinwon's jaw dropped when the song started playing. You danced to the song, dragging him into it, bouncing happily and living the best time of your life.

      Soon the session ended and you got out, all sweaty and panting, laughing hard. "Hah! That was the best karaoke I've went to!" You squealed in delight.

      "Well you didn't have to put up humph-," he frowned but laughed with you because he couldn't resist the pure smile on your face.

      "Can't I be proud of my boyfriend?" You giggled and pouted. "Come on, lets get ice cream, my treat!"

       You dragged him into a large air-conditioned mall. You looked around for a bit but you couldn't find an ice cream shop, so you were about to give up when shinwon pointed out excitedly towards a stall.

      This time, he was the one to drag you there. He ordered his favourite peppermint while you, with your entire love for strawberries, got strawberry ice cream with waffles.

      You both gobbled up your ice creams and walked around the mall for a bit, looking for something fun to do. You thought about dates - what do people normally do?

      You saw it. A counter for movie tickets. The poster for a movie you really wanted to watch. You bounced on the spot in excitement.

———————To be continued... ———————
Hiii I'm back after disappearing-
Heh I hope you got the reference right there-(the title of this imagine)
Inspired by Mcshinwon's love for burgers 😤
Stan pentagon y'alls :))❤️💜💖💕

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