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since renye had just joined the friends, she was still getting used to all the new faces

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since renye had just joined the friends, she was still getting used to all the new faces. they were all so welcoming so it was better than most places she had lived.

it was four so around this time she'd be heading out to go be with them, so she got up got herself ready and headed out to meet everyone at the gate.

they all decided to meet at the building this time. the boys skated while the girls with limbo sat talking and messing with eachother's hair. which, renye wasn't interested in that so she skated along with fuckshit.

fuckshit skated closer to renye and tapped her "ayo ma." he spoke. "huh?" renye replied back slightly speeding her board up. fuckshit looked at her and stopped his board in front of her.
"you tryna hang or sum later?"

"oh uh, i don't really know...my mom said that i had to make dinner tonight so- i don't really know." she was lying, which is what she usually did when someone would ask her out. but fuckshit was different for her.. maybe she would back her lie up with a yes?

for what renye could see this made fuckshit pretty upset. "oh shit, well maybe tomorrow night?" now she didn't know what to say so, with that she said- "hey hey um, well i guess my other sister could take over right?" with a soft giggle.

argh. flirting?

she looked him in the eyes with a smile "yeah, i can hang." while nodding her head. "ight i'll see you at that taco trucker over there by the big plaza market." with a grin on his face, fuckshit flipped his board back onto the ground and skated over to ray & fourthgrade.

renye sat down on a curb near the table of chatty girls with her board under her, she looked behind her to hear whispering.
"yeah..i just like saw fuckshit talking to renee or whatever her name is." estee whispered said sounding like it had a silent hiss.

. •

renye cleared her throat so they knew of her presence, this made her earn pretty suspicious of the girls. "oh hey renye." yissy said looking her up and down.
renye didn't know what to say, so she replied with a quiet "hey."
"hey ladies, what if we like.. went to the mall or something." estee said with a grin, after she said that many side whispers came after that as if renye wasn't right there hearing almost everything. "you know, i'll just pass." renye got up quickly and scooped her board up before skating away to the boys again.

"ooooookayyyy." yissy said looking over to estee with a light snicker. renye didn't like the fact that they were talking about her obviously, but she didn't really let those things get to her. she figured they were acting like this due to the fact that in the past few weeks fuckshit had really warmed up to her.

but, she wanted to punch something. like really wanted to but the only thing stopping her was an "ego" and a cute boy, so she thought for a second with her vape in hand taking a few puffs to calm herself down. she had a cbd based vape to help with her anxiety and panicking, which she'd had since she was fourteen surprisingly.

"what if.. i just got up and kissed fuckshit to piss her off.." renye quietly whispered to herself. "or got up and cussed her out.."

soon geya came into the distance and sat next to her. geya put her hand on renye's back and patted it soft "hey ye, you good?" before renye could respond ruben quickly skated past shouted "i fuck bitches!" and skated back around to the boys as they all jumped into a fit of laughter.
"i- um yeah i'm good." renye lied, again. she was big on lies most of the time due to the fact she had so many secrets.. but that's for another time.
"you sure? i don't believe that." geya knew she was lying. big time.
"you can't let them get unda yuh skin girl, yissy and estee are just stick up girls who come from bigger budgeted families." geya was so pretty with a decent newyork accent so whatever she said made renye believe it.

"yeah, i guess you're right- but i had plans to go out with fuckshit tonight what will yissy and estee think?" when renye said this geya shot her a shocked look.

"oh no.. well yissy hooked up with fuckshit one time then she became like really obsession and estee's her bestfriend so she feeds into it." then geya went on to say-
"she thinks fuckshit's just gonna randomly drop all his hoes for her, and just have this huge love story with her yissy's really crazy."
this made renye worry.

"excuse me, come again? yissy's 'crazy'?"

"yeah.. like really crazy..it's just this whole thing about fuckshit taking her virtue so she's lowkey obsessed with the dude, yeah i know crazy right." geya was now not making it any better now. it was just worrying renye more now.

fuckshit skated closer to where they all wore and signaled renye to come over but instead, yissy hopped her happy ass over there and tried to go to him.

"nah nah, yissy getcho crazy ass back over there!" ray yelled from the distance. yissy rolled her eyes and made her way over to fuckshit.
"hey babeeee" yissy said walking over trying to give fuckshit a kiss on the cheek, he dodged it and waved to renye

"ay come here sexy lady!" renye pointed at herself and mouthed "me?" fuckshit nodded in response so she picked up her board , walked over to fuckshit and the rest of the guys.

"hey fuckshit." renye smiled and walked closer to fuckshit.

"wassgood ma." fuckshit pulled her into a quick hug and wrapped his arm around her waist while she stood next to him.

he turnt his head and talked in her ear "you ready to go?" renye nodded in response

she looked yissy up and down slowly before rolling her eyes.

we take no L's here.

. •

word count: 1031.

geccos note: i hope this was good, i feel like i'm being a bore if i am tell me. i think y'all are fr gon hate yissy-

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