I Believed He Loved Me

40 12 18

After everything you've endured for the day. The tossing around, the rudeness from your boss, her friends in company with their children, "Hana this", "Hana that", blah blah blah, his touch brings you comfort and safety, your whole body lighting up with warmth. He kisses you softly, and you find yourself melting into his touch "Oohh.... Drake" "you like?" Drake asked with a satisfying grin.

"What if your mom finds you here?" "Are you scared? Well, she won't come here and even if she does, it'll be the best sight to let her know her son loves you" Drake said kissing your forehead while you grin stupidly 😁.

In the kitchen trying to fix breakfast for your boss and her son. Drake comes in, steps behinds you wrapping his arms around your waist as he kisses the side of your neck. He gently spins you around in his arms until you're facing him. One of his hands cups the back of your neck, the other still resting on your waist as he presses his lips to yours. After a while, you both pull out of the kiss gasping for air, "Drake! Don't forget we're not alone in this house. Your mom is upstairs" "If I heard you well, you said she's upstairs. So we're alone in this kitchen" he said. "Hana...... Isn't the food ready?" Mrs Smith, Drake's mom asked, her voice approaching the kitchen. He quickly presses a kiss to your forehead before heading to the fridge to take out a bottle of water and an apple while his mom enters the kitchen with an angry expression. "Baby boy, you're here?" She said surprised to see Drake. "Yeah! Just got back from the gym. And mom, for the millionth time, I'm twenty six not some six year old boy. Like seriously, baby boy?" He said as he approaches his mom and gives her a peck. "I'll be in my room. Hana let me know when the food is ready" he said giving you a serious face. Thirty minutes later, "knock! Knock!" You said entering Drake's room. "You're such an actor" you said giving him a kiss. "I could do this all day" he said drawing you closer and kissing you again, one hand cupping your cheek.

"Yeah, she can cook literally anything, both local and English food. Hana? Hana!?" She called angrily the second time. "Are you day dreaming! Go make my friend any Akwa Ibom delicacy now! Move!" She yelled. Turning to leave her presence, you freeze and immediately run towards your room with your palm securing your mouth.

Kneeling down with tears running down your face. "You can't talk bahhh. Inem! imagine this thing, pregnant!" She stated "for your son" Inem added immediately in case her friend had forgotten. "All in the name of making my local dish for me. Let's wait till your son returns" Inem concluded rolling her eyes.

TWO HEARTS ❤️❤️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ