Hana's Second Fall

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  "Momma, Dadda is back" Queendaline said heading to the entrance door when she heard her father honking at the gate. "Don't fall ooo, I won't tell you sorry" I said coming out of the kitchen with a bottle of water. Few minutes later, Drake comes in with his daughter in his arms. I love the fact that she loves her father even if he's undeserving of her love. "Dadda, Momma's friend took us out. I made a new friend today. Do you want to know his name?" She asked excitedly "why not, tell me" he said approaching you. "Bob" "wow! Queen that's a nice name, do I get to know him?" He said bulking his eyes and making funny faces at his daughter as she giggles "yes....." She stresses her word excitedly. "Hey babe" he said then kisses you "how are you?" At this point, I couldn't tell if my brain or my eyes were messing with me or not so I pinched myself and it actually did hurt. Did he just greet me? Did he just call me babe? Did he just kiss me? Did he just ask how I am? "I'm... I'm.... very good" I said trying to put a great amount of space between us. "I'm hungry, please get me my food" No way! It's a lie. Drake? Asking me for food? Adding please in a sentence meant for me? I'm going to definitely suffocate. "Ehmmm, I didn't make anything for you. You don't eat my fo..." "Please make something quick for me while I go shower" he cuts me in, trying to avoid that discussion. He handed Queendaline to me before heading upstairs to our room to shower. Fifty minutes later, I was sitting in the dinning with his food waiting for him while Queendaline was across the room watching her favorite cartoon. "What did you cook?" He said as he pulled the seat next to me. "Sweet potato portage, no garlic"  "you still recall my allergies" he said smiling "yeah, I'm not as evil as some people" I said starring at him. For a while, we were in silence, "enjoy your meal" I said as I got up to leave but he held my wrist. "Please stay" he begged "I don't get, who are you and what did you do to Drake? You might look like him but I'm not that gullible. She broke up with you right?" I asked as I sat back. "Who's she?" "Don't play fool on me Drake, We both know who I'm referring to. Anne, your all in all babe. She broke up with you bahh?" "No! I broke up with her" immediately, I started fake choking "are you okey" Drake said quickly handing me his glass of water. I got the glass and kept it away from us without drinking. "I'm okay, calm down, and stop being nice, it's annoying. Anyways, that's my shock reaction" I said with a light laughter 😂. "I'm serious babe" "stop!" I said angrily "you don't have the right to call me babe. What do you take me for? I don't want to do this with you, I'm not fighting with you this night, not now, not later, not ever. The only option you have is eating." Before I knew it, we were chatting and laughing as he ate. "Like seriously, she's crazy. Who goes into a conference hall just to use the restroom when she could just use her own office. There's a restroom in every office 😂 We all knew why she did that." Drake said "You don't mean it, I bet she felt embarrassed" I said. Starring at each other just brought back moments, the good ones actually. And it happened, he kissed me again, this time longer, and I didn't stop him. "Momma! See Dora..." Queendaline's voice broke the kiss as I gasped for air realizing how fast my heart was beating "Yes! Dora's beautiful. Okey let's go to bed. Now!" I said as Queendaline turned to face me "Nooooo I want Dadda not you. Dadda come" Drake smiled at me and headed towards his daughter "good night Momma" "good night baby love" I said as I turned off the TV and carried his empty plate to the kitchen.
Deep In Thoughts.
Wow! That's not good. I didn't stop him. I let him. Nooooo! I'm not thinking straight. Focus Hana, focus. After everything he's put me through. I think I'm stupid. He can't just come into my life and start kissing me. No apologies, no crying, no regrets. Why did I even let him kiss me. I need to focus. Eric is a sweet heart, Drake is a bitter heart. After the rejection of my love, our daughter, my food, my body, hitting me, disrespecting me for the past three years and he gets to eat my food. Our daughter won't be alive if not for Eric. Focus Hana.
"Hey" he said bringing you back to reality. He approaches but you move backwards till your blocked by the kitchen counter. "What are you thinking about" he said as he presses a kiss to your forehead, smiling. Your speechless only in reality but deep in your thoughts, you're encouraging yourself that you can do this, that he can't control you after you've gone this far but in reality, you're just weak. Drake wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close. He captures your lips in a passionate kiss. After what seems like forever, you pull away from the kiss gasping for air "let me go check on Queenda..." He kisses you again before you could finish speaking. "She's sleeping" He said as he takes an admiring look at you "I'm sorry" he whispers into your ears as he presses a kiss on your cheek, then your neck, planting gentle kisses on your collarbone, then across the curves of your chest. Only once he hears you gasp with pleasure dose he carry you with ease and makes you sit on the kitchen counter. "I love you" he whispers as he goes back to your neck, leaving a trail of soft kisses, and you turn your head to give him better access. You gasp when his teeth graze your skin. You hook your legs around Drake's hips, pulling him flush against you. You feel him stiffen against you. His hands travels up your back, making you shiver. He leans in until his breath tickles your jaw. He carries you from the kitchen counter and leads you up to the room......

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