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"Momma....." Queendaline said with excitement running towards you. "Baby be careful else you'll fall" "Momma...." She said again with tears this time as she embraces me "I do not want to go to school again. You told me you will come back. You told me you will not leave me alone. I am not your friend again Momma" "I'm sorry My baby girl, Mummy is really really sorry okey?" "Ok Momma, I want Dadda and I want food" "Daddy's not around but let's go into the kitchen".
Later that night. You pull him closer, relishing the warmth and strength of his embrace. You hear the smile in his voice when he pulls away slightly, his forehead pressed to yours. You pull him towards the shadow at the base of the artificial playing bridge and press him against the colourful artificial stone, tilting your head up to capture his lips in a fervent kiss while Queendaline plays on the bridge with other kids. After a moment, you pull back playfully "we have to start going before her dad gets back" you said beckoning on Queendaline. "I wish you could stay longer" Eric said pressing a kiss on your forehead, smiling 😁. "I'll stay forever very soon. My lawyer called me this morning, saying the divorce papers are ready. I won't deny my baby her father's love, he'll be free to visit, but he's not taking custody of her". "I know this is a difficult step for you, but just know that'll be right here. I love you Hana" "I love you more Eric" you said picking your daughters food pack from the grass. "Momma.... Momma....." Queendaline yelled heading towards you with a boy as tiny as her "Momma this is Bob, my new friend" she said excitedly "Hi" Bob said shyly giving you a paper "My Mom said I should give this to you. Bye Queen" he said and hurriedly rushed to his mother's side. His mom waved towards us and they departed "okay baby, tell mummy's friend bye so we can get going" you said as she gave Eric a long hug "bye Momma's friend. Thank you for taking us out. I wish my Dadda takes us out. I love you Momma's friend" she said with her baby voice as Eric pecks her on both cheeks.

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