Eric Has Made Peace With Hana

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"Who owns this pant Drake?" You said holding the pant with a stick towards him "How am I supposed to know, I don't wear that kind of pant" "This isn't mine Drake and I'm the only female apart from our daughter who lives in this house so start talking" "babe, you're provoking me, I don't know who owns that pant" "I don't have orange undies, I hate orange" you said examining the pant properly "I don't wear G-strings and the annoying part is I found it with the rest of my undies!" "Fine! Stop yelling. It's yours because I bought them for you as a surprise" "then why was it in my chest of undies" "I wanted you to find it but I guess it didn't work out as I planned and it's ORANGE as you said" "hmmmmm. Thanks babe but it's orange. I'll give it to someone" "no! I'll return it and get another one" "thanks but I'm overflowed with undies. After all, it's for me you got it for so I'll just give my friend. Sorry for yelling at you" you said as you sat on his laps "I don't like seeing things that don't belong to me or you in my closet" she said with emphasis on 'closet'. "Anyway, I found this new recipe and I want to cook it for you. Kezia is taking me out tomorrow for lunch. Hope you don't mind babysitting your daughter" "well, it depends" he said wrapping his palms around your waist.

"Thanks guys, I really needed this meal" you said trying to avoid Eric's eyes. "I'll be in ladies for a while, you guys shouldn't miss me too much" kezia said winking at me before leaving. We were in awkward silence for a while "how's business" he said finally, "it's going well" "I see. Is that why you won't call or come visit?" "Not really. I thought you were mad at me" "for what" "for damaging your Shirt" "Hana! Seriously 🤦 why would I be angry with you for something that was beyond your control?" "I don't know" "I get it" "you get what?" "That you're trying to mend things with your husband and you feel bad telling me because you feel pity for me" " no" "Hana. I've told you many times. I'll never be mad at you for being with the one you love if that's what makes you happy. If I claim to love you, which I actually do, I'll want you to be happy. I've made peace with myself" he said. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Kezia told you right?" "No. I know you Hana, I know when you're hiding something. Kezia is hiding something as well and I don't know what but I'll find out" talk of the devil. She was heading towards us "hope no one missed me" "well, we actually tried so hard to miss you but it just didn't work" Eric said beaming at Kezia. Wait. I'm I missing something? Well, I'll let time tell. "Sorry guys, I'll leave first. Drake just texted me" I said as I got to my feet "okey, we're glad he even let you out'' Kezia said "greet our Queen for us okay" Eric ended "okay, bye" I said leaving them alone "what's wrong Kezia?" "How? Did I complain of anything" "don't think I've forgotten about last week Saturday, picnic Saturday" he said "ohw. But I thought this was about Hana. What was her reason?" "Yeah. She thought I was mad about her damaging my shirt" "you're not?" Kezia said surprisingly "no! I've never dry cleaned that shirt before. It wasn't something she could have controlled" "ohww. Yes! Yes! Very true" I said convincingly because I knew that's a lie "and I've made peace with the fact that she'll never be mine. I'm free to move on" "sure?" "why were you crying on Saturday Kez?" "It was nothing" "What did Bolaji do this time?" "Nothing" "if you're done answering yourself, you can now answer me" "fine. We are not together anymore" "so what are you doing to mend you guys relationship?" "We are not mending anything. He's getting married next week" "Wow! Sorry about that. But that was quick on his side". They sat in silence for for what seems like eternity "You are going for the wedding" "no I'm not" "yes you are. And I'm going with you" "Eric, Bolaji knows you're my bestie" "I'm not going as your date. You're going because you need closure" "I've found closure Eric" "Then prove it" "fine. I'll go" "you didn't have an option. Come on, let's go shopping. There's too much bad energy here" Eric said as they got up to leave.

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