We Are Not Yet Divorced

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In the kitchen trying to make breakfast and fix Queendaline's lunch pack, Drake heads down stairs with his daughter in his arms "Dadda will you take me to school?" "Yes I will" "Will you stay with me in my class?" "No.... I have work to do" "Then I don't want to go to school" she said as she tries to fights her way out of her father's gip" "Queen be careful before you fall, I'll stay with you in your class" "thank you Dadda" she said as she hugs his neck. "Food is ready" I said as I placed a bowl of cereal on Queendaline's tiny table and headed back into the kitchen. Drake sits her down in her tiny chair before heading towards the kitchen. Turning from the fridge with a small pack of orange juice for Queendaline's lunch pack, Drake stands in my front, blocking me deliberately "hey beautiful, hope you slept well" he said as he trying to kiss me. I turned my face away from him "Drake, I'm trying to focus, Our daughter is almost late for school. Or do you plan on taking on from were I stopped?" I asked handing the juice pack to him. "Fine!" He said giving me space while he tries to fix himself something to eat.
My Phone rings
🎶Cuppy cake🎶
It's Eric. I silenced the call but two minutes later, it rings again. "Hey baby boo, sorry I didn't answer your previous call. I'm trying to get Queendaline ready for school." There's a pause "no it's okay, I'm done, Drake's taking her to school today." There's a pause "Well, I'll go to my shop to see how things are and then I'll come see you. Don't miss me too much, love you, bye." "Wow! That hurts." Drake said making a puppy face "like I care." I said heading to the dinning to meet Queendaline. "Momma" She called as she stretched her hands towards me, signalling me to carry her. I picked her up heading towards the kitchen with her plate "Momma, I don't like my chair. I want a pink chair" "I'll buy one for you okay" "No, I want Dadda to buy it for me." "Eric, take your child, I'm done with her. Her lunch pack is on the dinning table together with her school bag. No matter how late you decide to take her to school, she mustn't miss her first class. She has an assignment to submit which is in her bag and her submit card is in the black car. Without the submit card, you can't pick her up from school." I said giving her to her father as I give her a peck. "My name is Drake, not Eric!" He said angrily "exactly what I called you" "no you didn't. You called me Eric" "Whatever" I said leaving the kitchen and heading upstairs.

"Baby...." Kezia said barging into my room and dumping herself on my bed. "You this child of the world, you have no respect at all. First, you come to my house without telling me. Second, you barge into my room. Let me remind you in case you've forgotten, I'm a married woman" you said showing her your wedding ring. "Abeggy" Kezia said hitting your hands away "How far nah....? The only reason I'm here is because of the message you sent to me this morning. You sef ehhh, you're a very wicked witch. How can you text me as early as six in the morning telling me you have gist for me. Ahhhhhhh, that's when I really understood the law of entropy. Babe...  My body was shaking. If not because I wasn't alone in my house. You would have seen me here" "Who's the new guy?" You interrupted "He's not new. Bolaji, the boyfriend with the big eyes" She said rolling her eyes. "Wait oooo. Are you trying to change the topic? 😒 Gist me nahhhh, what's up!" She said pushing you playfully. "Well, we made out yesterday" you said blushing "Oya wait before you turn purple as well. You finally allowed Eric touch you 💃 babe give me high five" she said bringing her hands towards you but retrieves it when you don't do same. "Wow!😱 Babe you bad pass me. You made out with Drake, how? Your divorce papers are ready and yo..." "Kezia!" You interrupted "Is either you shut up or I stop talking complete" for a while, there was silent "Well, yes! It was with Drake. He's my husband in case you've forgotten and we are not yet divorced". "Shaaaaa you're right. Please which food is in the kitchen because I'm starving. But we are going down together so you can complete your story"
In the kitchen.
"Well, what has happened has happened. But How did it even happen?" Kezia asked curiously. After telling her everything, you get up to get yourself a drink from the fridge. "That guy is Evil ohhhh. So after rejecting you and your child before she was born. Treating you like yamayama, making out with every girl on your matrimonial bed. Beating you up when you were still carrying Queendaline in your tummy. Refusing to eat your food till four days ago. Not contributing to the welfare of his daughter. Almost killing you and his daughter. And he had the guts to kiss you. You sef madam, why did you kiss him back. Why didn't you slap that his rubbish mouth? Well, I blame myself because if I didn't take you to the cinema that very day, you wouldn't have met Eric and I wouldn't care what ever you do with your shameless husband!" "Enough kezia!" I said as I stamped the kitchen table with my hands. "Well, sorry. But I'm saying nothing but the truth and you know that. My only wish is that it'd have been better if Eric was out of this insane picture" kezia said starring at me.
"Well, I'm glad your wish is late. How can you say that. If not for Eric, I wouldn't be where I am today. I love him ve..." "Thunder wound that your mouth" Kezia interrupted. "You can't Love two men Hana, focus!" "Ohhhw, I can't love two men but you can. I know I made a mistake but... I don't know. I seriously don't know" she said bursting into tears. "It's okey Hana, please don't cry" kezia said giving you a hug. "See, I know it's been three years since anyone touched you. But don't make that an excuse for anyone to touch you but rather, let the right person touch you. Drake is.... I don't know, but I have this hunch that it won't end well. I have a confession to make" kezia said separating herself from Hana "I've been lying all along, it's only been Bolaji. The rest are just in my imagination. Bolaji and I had a fight. I was obviously the cause of the fight, so he left me. Since then till now, I'm trying to fix things between us. I was lying when I said Bolaji was with me last night. I didn't want to tell you because I felt ashamed. In your case, Drake is the cause while in mine, I'm the cause. I'm sorry, I guess all I needed was closure but I refuse to acknowledge it. I'm so sorry" she said bursting into tears "ohw babe, not you. Don't cry please. If you don't stop, I'm joining you" In less than two minutes, you both are in tears. "Stop crying, I'm not crying. We look so embarrassingly dramatic" kezia said wiping her tears with the edge of her top "Hana, don't you have serviettes? I'm messing up my clothe" "Na me send you? Take your time oooo" "Gedaway jooor" kezia said pushing you playfully.

He presses a kiss to your lips. It's soft at first, but quickly heats up as the adrenaline courses through you. He paused to study you, his eyes drinking in every detail he can get as his hands slowly trails down from your cheek to trace the curve of your neck. "You really mean a lot to me Hana" Drake whispers into your ears. Those words changed everything "Sure? Or you're just saying it to have me on your bed" "really?" He said sounding disgusted "I should be asking you that. For the past six days, your to-do list ends with me on your bed" "our bed, in case you've forgotten" "in case you've also forgotten, it lost that title three days after our marriage, the day you decided to bring another woman into our room. I've always been your second option Drake, your sex toy, your most gullible unwanted wife. You've never loved me" "what more do you want from me Hana? To be a father to our daughter, I am. To be a husband to you. I am" "you're none! The same daughter you rejected, the same you almost killed? Or being a wife beater, a male harlot, a pain in the guts or a regret. You've definitely won a lot of names for yourself, bravo!" "I'm sorry, I meant every word when I said I love you. I really do" he said closing the space between you "I'm ready to make up for lost times" he said as he kisses you softly then deeply. You can feel the magnetic sensation in the pit of your stomach that draws you in, despite the small part of your brain that tries to protest.

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