Caught In The Act

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"Babe! Do you know that I saw Mic..." You said heading towards your room but stopped talking and closed Queendaline's innocent eyes as quick as possible preventing her from seeing what you just saw. You turned her around, making her back face the room. "Baby?" You called squatting and taking her hands into yours "Yes Momma" "do you love mummy?" "Yes" "okey, go to your room, and change from your uniform. Today, I'll allow you pick any clothe. After that, wait for me in your room okey?" "Yes Momma, thank you Momma" Queendaline said in excitement as she freed herself from you and headed towards her room. Though you're sad and heartbroken, you compose yourself with pride and walked into the room. Not aware of your presence, Drake and Anne continue in their lustful act. Out of range, you bang the door so so hard as you closed it but without showing any emotion in your face. Out of shock, they jerked suddenly "ohw! I'm sorry if I startled you guys, the door wasn't closed properly" you said sizing Anne with ought most disgust "my kid is around and I don't want her bumping into you guys like this so I decided to do the honors by closing the door. Hope you guys don't mind." You said heading towards the wardrobe as they fumble into their dress  "Babe! It's not what you think" Drake finally said "Thunder kiii you there for still having the guts to call me 'babe!' you deh craze?" You said throwing your belongings into box by box but then you turned to face them "I hope I'm not the reason to why you guys stopped your fun. Go on, ignore that I'm here" you said quickly dumping more clothes and shoes into your boxes. Anne quickly dressed up, gave Drake a peck and left the room leaving you and Drake. Drake just sits on the bed not knowing what to do, just looking at you. You succeed in filling the two boxes. You closed the wardrobe and headed downstairs with your boxes. You called Eric and he's on his way. You quickly headed to your daughters room, packed a box of her belongings, carried her and headed downstairs. "Hana don't go" Drake said standing at the edge of the stairs trying to block you. "You are mad" you said as Kezia got in to get Queendaline from you and heading out of the house. "Yes! I accept it but at least let me have my daughter" "you say?" "You head me" "No I didn't. My ears are allergic to nonsense talks. Get out of my way or I will be forced to..." "To do what?" He's right, to do what? Nothing but cry. Eric came in "Is that all your belongings?" "No, I'll come back for the rest" Drake looked at Eric and allowed you go. After all, he's not after you, but his daughter. "I'll get her from you. I'll surely do" Drake said as you closed the door behind you.

"It's okay Hana" Eric said cleaning your eyes then hugs you. Kezia has been silent since you all got into the car. Queendaline is sleeping in one of Eric's spare rooms. Kezia stays at a corner watching you and Eric. "The annoying thing is that I'm having another of his child" you said as you cry louder "that's more reason you should take it easy with yourself, you're five months gone, you need rest not stress" kezia said as both you and Eric turn towards her. "What? Did I speak rubbish?" Kezia asked with surprise in her face "No, this is your first time of talking since we left Drake's house" "first, I hate that name, second, I have lots of things to say, I don't want to hurt you today so I'll keep my words for tomorrow" "wow Kezia, how thoughtful of you. You don't want to hurt me today, you want to hurt me tomorrow" you said mimicking Kezia playfully as you all bust out in laughter "lemme fix something up for you"

Hana is sleeping in another of Eric's spare rooms.
"I want you to be strong for Hana" Eric said "what's wrong with you?" "I can't go down that lane again. I'll be deceiving Hana" "you seemed pretty comfortable starting to go down that lane" you said angryly but unknown to you "I don't want to innocently mess up with Hana's feelings" "yeah yeah" you said carelessly trying not to look at Eric. "What's wrong with you Kez, why do you like giving me a hard time" "ohw! Now I'm giving you a hard time?" You said with tears in your eyes. "I'm the only friend you have asides Hana. I'm the one who's been with you during your emotional phases. In case you didn't know, it was hurting seeing you cry. Eric, you didn't cry when your Mum died and I know how close you were to her and how much you loved her. You passed through emotional pain during your mum's death but it never lead to tears. You didn't cry when your sister died in a violent marriage but I knew you were hurting and I was hurting because I couldn't help you. That aside, do you know how I felt when I saw you crying for one week straight after you and Hana separate? Do you?" "Kez" "I'm not done" you said mimicking a 'hold it there' fingers in his face "I know how I felt when Bolaji broke my heart yet you hid your pain from me to help me get rid of my pain. Eric, you don't have to always deprive yourself from help to help others. Try and accept help once in a while. Now you can talk" "Wow! I hope you seeing me crying is just between you and I? That way, I'll keep this between us" he said giving you a hankie "I've not told anyone" you said with a light laughter "Okay Kez, I've heard you. Accept help you said, that I'll do. You might think that you haven't helped me in anyway but you have. You cook for me even though you know my food taste better than yours. You tidy my house, something I'm not good at. You make me happy when I'm around you and that's the best part. You've done a lot for me. Anyways, I cried when my Mum died, and also when sister Danielle died. The only difference is that I was good at hiding it and that way, you didn't snoop up on my crying. I love them and I really miss them. If mom or sister were with me, they'll be teasing, me about getting my heart broken. They do that anytime things don't work out between me and any of my girlfriends. I also cried because I thought I wasn't helpful enough to ease your pain, I know how much you sacrificed in that relationship and now I'm happy you were strong enough to pull through. Stronger than I thought. So dear Mother, I've heard you" he said taking your hands into his" "I need to go home, it's really late." "Why? You can stay here." "I don't wonna disturb Queen baby or Hana, they each deserve the whole bed for now. But that doesn't mean I don't deserve a bed, so I have to go to my bed at home" "you can use my bed, I'll take the couch" "thanks" "it's nothing" Eric said as you both head into his room. Minutes later after Eric has changed and taken some sleeping materials, you stand at the door waiting for him to leave his room. "Good night and sleep tight" Eric said as he steps out of his room. "Good night Eric" you said closing the door.

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