You Can't Eat Your cake And Have It

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"Babe you are wicked. You don't even care about me anymore. Don't tell me you are still mourning over Bolaji?" There's a pause "I'm waiting for you. Bye!" You said ending her call. "Where to?" You said as Drake came into the kitchen all dressed up "I'm good out" "that's obvious" you said staring at Drake, not satisfied with his answer. "Work calls" "on a Saturday morning" "Hana please can you stop all this interrogation. I don't need it now. When did you start questioning my outings?" "Whatever!" "Suit yourself. I'm off" he said leaving the kitchen with a can of beer.

"Hana!" "Hana oooohh" "madam! It's ok. Do you want to bring my house down for me" you said coming out of the kitchen "babe!" Kezia said rushing to give you a hug "akpeneh oooh. Mmu miss" "okey, hold it there. The only word that makes meaning in what you said right now is 'miss'. What has Bolaji done to you" you said leaving Kezia laughing. "Ahh. You're even laughing" "abeggy. Look at you, you're stunning and you've even add weight" "thanks you. You don't look bad yourself. You're getting even fatter than when we last saw each other" "you mean to say I don't look like what you expected I'll look like" "na you sabi. Let's sit before you say I didn't treat you well. But babe you get mind oooo. It's been like five years since you left me" "you make me sound evil" "well, I have lots of gist for you" "my ears are itching but first, I need food. Hope you made something delicious" "there's this new recipe I saw online. I tried it today and I need you to taste it" you said as you went into the kitchen to get it "does this recipe have a name?" "Yeah it does. Onions soup" "okey, that sounds light. Hope you have something for me. It's not easy being a taster" kezia said getting the tray of food from you. "Okay, why with bread? Don't tell me you didn't make eba for me?" "The soup goes well with dry accompaniments like bread, dry fish, blah blah blah" "are you my mouth or my tummy? You'll give me some let me take home." "Will you eat it or should I get my food from you?" "This is fantastic!" Kezia said with food in her mouth "sure?" "Yes. It's immaculate. This is the only reason you're my friend. So, gist me, how's your undusted marriage doing?" "Seriously? Don't insult me on top my food. Well, it's not bad. Drake's been wonderful just that he's been acting strange lately. He's so secretive about his calls. He doesn't like answering his calls around me and when he does, he sounds surrounded. Apart from that, he's so perfect. I have something for you, but it's in the room. I'll get it when you wanna leave." "Babe, you're still hiding something oooohh. You look different, I don't know how to put it." "You're right. Well, guess what?" "Drake expanded your lingerie bouquet?" "No! I'm pregnant!" "OMG! For who?" "What kind of stupid question is that?" "Ask your onions soup and bread. It's so yummy and I need more" 😋 Kezia said giving you her plate "if I give you more, you're not taking anything home" "fine!" Kezia said keeping the tray of empty plate on the closet side table she finds. "Does he know about the pregnancy?" "Not yet. I want to tell him on our anniversary night. It's in the next two weeks and that'll be our first celebration since we got married" "where's our Queen?" "She's with her Grandma for the holidays" "that witch is alive?" "Shhhhh. Don't let Drake hear u say that. Mrs Adaeze isn't that bad. She never denied me of my salary, good food and a home" "you worked for your salary. She didn't have a choice denying you of food, you were the cook. She asked you to be a stay at home cook, remember." "What are you insinuating?" "That she's naturally a witch to the low class but her wrath towards you increased when you got pregnant for her son and will reduce soon because she doesn't want to die without memories of a grandchild." "You're insane!" "Your welcome" "forget about me, don't tell me Eric allowed you add so much weight and where did you even learn how to speak Ibibio?" "Well, Eric is the reason I'm this fat which I don't mind and Eric is the one teaching me Ibibio language." "Since when did Eric know how to speak Ibibio?" "Well, he hired one Ibibio language tutor two weeks ago. After learning, he teaches me. He says it makes it easy for him not to forget and on the other hand, I'm learning as well. It's a win-win thing" "wow! Seems I've missed out a lot" "yes you have" "but why" "he said he loves Akwa Ibom dishes and the part that really drew him into wanting to learn more about Akwa Ibom was when he listened to one Akwa Ibom guys song, 'Akwa Ibom Ayaya' he sings it to me every day." Kezia said. Unknown to her, she was blushing pretty hard "oya calm down before you turn yellow" you said, knowing that there's something no one's telling you. "So, has he proposed?" "Hana! Sure say you dey okey?" "what! I'm only surprised he couldn't wait before finding someone else" "point of correction, I'm not someone else and why are you sounding this way. You know very well that we've been friends for eight years before you came into the picture yet you sound like if I came out from nowhere to steal your man. Your man has gone out, and I can't steal him because I dislike him. I'm hungry mbok" "there's Egusi soup in the pot" you said feeling bad about what you said. Kezia took her used plates to the kitchen and came back with a plate of food "babe, did you know the Ibibios call it efere Ikôn?" "No. Kez?" "Yeah?" "I'm sorry for how I sounded earlier 😔. That was so childish of me" "Hana, you know I love you and won't do anything to hurt you. But the truth is that you can't eat your cake and have it. You can't love two men. It's impossible, you either love one man more than the other or love one less than the other" "but you're saying the same thing" "your welcome. I'll call it pure greed if you tell me you love both of them the same way. Focus Hana, you're playing with two hearts". "As?" "You're playing with your heart and Eric's heart because I sure do know Drake is fake. I noticed I'm Eric's lab rat to try and get you off his mind. He doesn't see it that way but I do. Deep down he's hurt and he sure does know how to hid it but not too well. I saw him looking at your pictures four days ago. It's hard for him and the fact that he's trying to kill two birds with one stone makes me really hurt" "I don't get you there" "in order for Eric to move on from you, he's making me move on from Bolaji. It's like using two stones to make a fire. You on the other hand, needs to focus on eating your cake and washing your plate" kezia said as you both burst out laughing "kezia! You're so crazy. You just remixed someone's Idiom" "I know. And it's makes absolute sense. I just helped the dude make an opposite meaning of his idiom. But I'm serious Hana." "Thanks. That's why I always love you. You just know me too well" "can I eat now?" "Yes. I have something for you. I'll be right back" you said getting up and heading upstairs. Minutes later you're coming down the stairs with nothing in your hands. "Where's my gift?" "I can't find it. I saw it yesterday" "where did you keep it?" "In my chest of undies" "you bought undies for me?" "Not really. I saw it in my chest. Drake said he bought it for me. I don't wear G-strings and it's orange" you said with emphasis on 'orange' "so your husband, sorry, that was a slip of tongue. Your roommate bought it for you without telling you but rather waits till you find it?" "Point of correction, he's my husband" "he doesn't act like one. Even Eric knows that orange is your worst color and you hate g-strings. I'm not surprised he brought a girl in your absent." "Why do you hate Drake so much" " I don't hate him, I dislike him" "what's the difference" "you hate someone you can love and dislike someone you can like. If Drake was the only guy left in this universe, I'll prefer to die unmarried than to think of having anything to do with him. He's the opposite of anything good." "So what are you insinuating?" "I'm not here to spoil you mind because you are deadly in love with this guy. I'm not here to break your home because it's already broken but the only difference is that you've refused to pack the pieces and dump it in the trash because my dear friend, you can't glue this one oooo. I'm just saying the obvious, Drake is using you because he knows he's your weakness. I'm very sure he knows you don't like orange, even if he doesn't, he should have noticed that orange is not in your color gallery and if he's trying to make up by buying stuffs for you, Why start with g-strings? Who does that? And all of a sudden, it disappears from your chest. If he could put it there as he claims, he could also remove it to the original owner. Or has he bought anything for you before now?" "No" "Thank God say ê don loss coz I no for collect am. You sef you no try. Why you won give me pant were your roommate comot for woman body?" "If someone hears you, they'll think I'm a wicked friend. They won't know you are crazy" "please I want more food" "never! If I give you, make I sublime" "amen!" Kezia said as she quickly got up, heading towards the kitchen "child of the world, don't touch my pot of soup" "watch me". Hana quickly rushed towards Kezia to stop her from entering the kitchen.

TWO HEARTS ❤️❤️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang