But I Love Drake More

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"Up to where?" Eric asked giving you a cup of smoothie as he examines your outfit "I want to pick something from the house and I'll go to my shop for a while before coming back." "You want to go cook for him?" "Well, I didn't think of it but it depends on him shaaaa" "Okay, my shirt really looks good on you than on me" "it's my pleasure" 😊 "I should be saying that" "it's still my pleasure" she said before leaving.
"Why do I have to be honking on the gate for so long every time" you say out of annoyance as you kept on honking and waiting. "Last night was awesome. Will you come tonight?" Drake says to his caller but you're obviously not paying attention to him "Just get out Musa, you're annoying. Go to your post and don't leave there ever!" You yell as you bang the door between you two. "Let me call you later okey. Bye" Drake said before cutting the call when he heard your voice. "Hy" you say heading upstairs but he didn't respond. After getting what you came for, you head downstairs only to be stopped at the end of the stairs by Drake. "Excuse me Mister man, your blocking my path" "What does he have that I don't have? I'm so disappointed in you, you have no shame! Sleeping around wi.." "hold it there. You have no right to judge me. I asked you if you mind me staying and you said you didn't" "not like if anything I said would have stopped you" "you're sick" "yes! I'm sickly in love with you Hana. I asked you to give me another chance, why are you messing with my feelings?" "I can't believe you are blaming me, I can't believe you're playing victim" "I love you Hana" " you don't! Or have you forgotten your words to me three years ago? Just in case you have forgotten, let me remind you exactly what you said.  "Hana, don't you freaking get it! A guy can say anything, I quote 'ANYTHING' to have sex with a girl. This is me being me, I never loved you, I don't love you, and I'll never love you. Take it or leave it". Those words hunt me everyday Drake. Every freaking day!" You yell "It's gotten to a point where you wear his shirt and yell at me baaah?" "Excuse me Drake, you're blocking my path". His hands reaches out to gently stroke your cheek, and he slowly moves closer, as if pulled to you by some powerful magnetic force. "You're adorable, but you're killing me here. Let me say this properly" he says then clears his throat before he continues"can we start afresh? Will you let me be a husband to you?" "Yes, yes I will" you leap into Drake's arms and press your lips to his. He gathers you up and lifts your off the ground as he returns your kiss. He spins you around, and you laugh. As you land back on solid ground, he presses his forehead to yours "I love you". Drake pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around you. As he smiles down at you, you tilt your head up and up and capture his lips in a lingering kiss.

Your phone woke you up, it's kezia. It's 2:38 p.m.
"Hello babe" pause "OMG! I slept off. Okay I'm on my way, keep them busy okey. I'll be there in 30 minutes". Drake is still sleeping. I quickly rushed into the shower to have a quick bath. I wore my jeans and as I was about putting on Eric's shirt, it came to my mind that Drake tore it at of anger while we were making out. I removed the jeans and wore a floral pleated knee length gown. I sat on the bed trying to wear my shoes. I was already late so I didn't bother applying any make up. I grabbed my bag and gave sleeping Drake a peck before leaving the room.
twenty minutes, I was at the pack. I spotted them quite easily most especially because Queendaline was running towards me. I picked her up into a hug "Momma" she said excitedly fondling with my face as I headed towards kezia and Eric. "Madam you're ten minutes late" kezia said getting Queendaline from me. "Babe, you look lovely" Eric said with a smile that made me feel guilty "Thank you" I said trying my best to smile with my eyes. "Momma's friend, I want ice cream" Queendaline says  with excitement stretching out her hands towards Eric. Eric gets her from Kezia and excuses himself. "Hana!" Kezia calls with anger on her face as she hit me hard on my arm. "Kezia! Are you okey? Why did you hit me like that, it hurts" I said acting innocently like I don't know why she's angry "it hurts" she says mimicking me with disgust on her face "why did you keep us waiting?" "So that's why you hit me?" "Thunder sublime that your mouth for me" "Ahhh! Kezia!" "Where were you? Why weren't you picking up your phone? Eric was so worried. We went to your shop, your girls said you hadn't shown up yet, Eric was scared and almost wanted to come to your house. You know so well that since the last time him and Eric fought, he's never shown himself at your house. Stupid Drake wasn't picking his calls as well. Where were you and were did you sleep?" "Me? Sleep?" "Noooo, me. Shea I'm mad that's why I'm talking to myself when you're right in front of me" 😒 "ohww! I was at the house" "doing?" "Well......" I stressed looking up "Hana, I'm right in front of you not up" Kezia said in tears "OMG! Kezia! Why are you crying?" "I'm crying because you are so annoying. What were you doing with Drake?" "Nothing" "don't lie to me Hana. You guys did it the second time right?" "We never stopped" "OMG! Hana! I feel like cutting you up angrily and slowly to die in pain then when I'm done, I'll bring you back to life" "Why are you going to waste your time killing me slowly when you'll still bring me back to life?" "So that you'll be alive to remember the pain. Wait a minute, you're trying to change the topic!" "Stop!" You shouted "why are you so concerned about him sef?" "Because I'm not stone hearted like you" "really? Are you saying there's nothing more to your anger Kezia, what's wrong" and there it came, tears in abundance "Bolaji came to see me yesterday to officially end things and he gave me his wedding invitation card Hana. For five years 😭 I've loved him. I know my insecurities might have messed with my relationship with him a little bit but how did he get to find another girl within a period of two months after our unofficial breakup. The girl isn't just his girlfriend, but wife to be. That means he wasn't fully faithful to me in between our relationship" she said crying harder. "Kezia are you okay?" Eric asks, I don't know why I feel jealous because Eric is being concerned towards Kezia. They have both been friends before I came into the picture and this isn't the first time Eric is concerned about anyone in his life talk more Kezia. Calm down Hana, maybe it's your guilt that's eating you up I said to myself. "Nothing" kezia said as she quickly wipes her tears and gives Eric an obviously fake smile. "Let's start our picnic. It's getting late" she said unfolding the mat and doing the rest of the needful. "You didn't go to your shop anymore. Where were you?" Eric says, sounding serious "I was cooking for Drake" "who cooks for up to five hours or more?" "Five hours?" "Yes! I checked the time when you drove out and also when Kezia called you. What happened and Don't lie, did he try to prevent you from coming out?" "No! I had to go to the market and get the things for the cooking and it to..." "All set" kezia yells, cutting me short and saving my lying mouth.

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