Team M.O.N. !!/ An "Internship"!!/ Part 1

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3rd Person POV

Jackson was Recently invited to the Team M.O.N. Headquarters to help them out in some sort of Internship for college credit!! Tio was the one who suggested it to him And they are all excited To have him there Becuase yes they do have crushes on him (Smith for the Longest time) and now they will have him in there Place of work!!

Smith was currently in her office playing with some dolls that Look lIke Jackson and Herself!!

Smith: *Playing with Dolls* "Oh I love you, Jackson!! Your so handsome, Kind, and You have accepted all of these Monster girls as your own!!" *As Jackson* "I love you too Now lets kiss!!"

 Tio: *Opens the door* "Hey Ms. Smith!?"

 Smith: *Freaks out* "AH!!! Knock Next Time Tio!!! Knock Next time!!" 

 Tio: "I-I'm sorry!!! I wanted to tell you that Jackson's here to help usaround with duties and his own personal internship like you requested!!!" 

 Smith: "Great!!! What did you see!?"

Tio: "I Totally did not see you playing with your dolls Ma'am!!!" 

 Smith: "Great!!! Bring him in!!!"

Tio: "Should we do the Team M.O.N. Poses!?"

Smith: "Sure!! First impressions are everything!!"

With Jackson...

He was waiting to come inside when Tio opened the door and Gave him so he walked inside and it was pitch black dark!!

Jackson: "Hey Why is it so Dark in here!? Are you girls here!?"

Smith: "Okay lets do this!! Play the Music!!"

Tio: "Got it!!"

The Song began Playing as they started doing Poses!! First to come up was Tio who was putting her hands to her cheeks blushing as she looked freaking adorable before flexing her natural ogre muscles before standing in Position!!

Next up was The Monoeye Named Manako who Pulls out a Sniper rifle and aimed it in front of her before putting on some Shades and finished it posing with Her carrying her Rifle up with one arm and Looked to him with a very stoic Look!!

Next up was A Zombie named Zombina who pulls out duel Pistols and shot several shots into the air before looking at him smiling revealing her razor sharp teeth and dropped her guns before looking back, sticking out her long tongue, and putting out some rock fingers!!

Next up was a Shapeshifter Named Doppel who twirled around with her Hair covering all of the More Inappropriate parts of her bodies as she Smiled giving a seductive wink transforming cycling between all of her team members before reverting back into true form!!

Finally it was Smith who pulled down her Shades and Winked at him drinking a sip of her coffee as she looked cool as a cucumber as always!!

Team MON: "This is Team Mon!!!"

Left to right: Manko, Doppel, Tio, Smith and Zombina!!!

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Left to right: Manko, Doppel, Tio, Smith and Zombina!!!

Jackson: "Uuuuuuummmm..."

Smith: "Well Not everyone Will Like it I guess!!"

Team MON: "Yeah..."

Smith: *Shakes hands with Jackson* "Well it's nice to see you again Jackson!! Let me take you to my office to detail a few things and sign a few Papers!!"

Jackson: "Alright!!!"

Tio Then Hugs him shoving his head into her breasts as she Smiled!!

Tio: "I'm so Glad you can work with us even when it is just an Internship!!!"

Jackson: "Me too!!"

The two then kiss making the other members of Team MON A Bit Jealous!!

To be Continued...

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