Chapter 1

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Valliea's POV

Today was my first day of 3rd grade. It was also my first day of public school. I was home schooled by Grandma Stormie, but my daddy convinced my mommy to let me finally attend a public school. They may be famous but they want me to live a normal life.

"Bye Uncle Riker, thanks for dropping me off at school!" I yelled to my uncle in his car. Uncle Riker dropped me off today instead of my mommy or daddy because they had to be at the recording studio early this morning.

I walked into the school building and eventually found my classroom for the year. Room 28

I walked into the classroom and everyone was finding a seat. I sat in front because I wanted to be closest to learn the most. Our teacher, Ms. Becca then started talking, "I am going to call your name, you need to stand up, then say your age, and 1 interesting thing about you."

She started calling names. They were alphabetical order by last name so I was close to the end. She eventually called by name after at least 19 other kids.

"Va...lea...Last Name Ratliff," the Ms. Becca called.

"Valliea (Va-lei-uh) Ratliff," I said, standing up, helping her understand how to pronouce my name, "I am 8 years old. One interesting thing about me is that my mommy and daddy are in a famous band called R5."

I sat back down. I didn't know what else to say so I said that. That is honestly the only thing that is interesting about me.

"R5 huh?" Ms. Becca asked, "They are one of my favorite bands. I can already tell this is going to be an interestingly fun class.

A/N I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Tell me what you think. Sorry it was a day late by the way.

Get ready to answer the 3 questions of the day. Next chapter I will put in some cool answers.

1) What do you think about Ms. Becca being a fan of R5?

2) What do you think is going to happen with Valliea in public school?

3) Are you excited for the new book?

Leave me your answers down below.

Thanks! BYE!!!

A Fandom's Dream Daughter (Rydellington)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang