Chapter 3

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Today Calum called me and asked if we could hang out. I agreed and now I'm waiting for him in the Heart of Food. Yes, that's what he calls it. His favorite restaurant, which is Friendly's, is now called the Heart of Food to him.

I've been waiting about half an hour until I see him running through the doors. He scans the restaurant and finds me. His immediate move was to smile at me. I smile back and watch as he walks over to me.

"Hello Layla" he smiled and sat down across from me. "Hello Calum" I smile back and scan the Heart of Food.

"So, this is your favorite restaurant?" I asked for assurance. I looked back at him to see him nodding uncontrollably. "Yep. This has been my favorite restaurant since I was 5" he held out five fingers.

"Cool. I like this restaurant myself" I nodded.

" your girlfriend coming?" I asked. All I wanted to know is if he had a girlfriend or not. Not a big deal.

"N-No. I don't have a girlfriend" he nervously chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh" I breathed out a laugh. "D-Did you invite your boyfriend?" He stuttered. "I don't have a boyfriend" I said rather too quickly.

"Oh". "Yeah" then it became slightly awkward. Calum opened his mouth to say something but the waitress came by. "Hi, may I take your order? Maybe a drink to start?" She got out a note pad and a pen.

She was maybe my height, had long curly blonde hair and was quite pretty. She flipped her hair and winked at Calum. I watched as he wasn't phased at all. He rarely looked at her.

"I would like a root beer" he announced from still looking at the menu. "What would you like?" She snapped towards me. "Uh. The same" I mumbled and looked back at my menu.

"Okay. I'll be back" she mumbled and walked away. "I don't think she's too fond of me" I announced. "Sheer? She likes everyone. She's friendly. I guess that's why she's working in Friendly's" he laughed. "Haha. But seriously. She seems like I did something to offend her" I rolled my eyes and continued to scan over my choices of food.

"Don't worry about it. She's just...I don't know" he shrugged. "The jealous type?" I finished for him. He raised his eyebrows at me. "Jealous? Jealous of what?" He asked.

"Well...she winked at you but you didn't see. She might have thought we were on a date or something. It looks like she likes you" I said.

"Nah. Sheer and I have been friends since we were kids. I doubt she likes me. Besides...she has a boyfriend already" he shrugged.

Sheer came back with the drinks and set them down carefully. "Are you two ready to order?" She asked, mostly to Calum. "Yeah...I'll have the usual" he smiled and handed the menu to her. She smiled back and turned to me. "And you?" She snapped.

"Uh..." I trailed off, looking down at my choices quickly. "She'll have the same" he said. I looked up at him and nodded.

"Okay. I'll be back" she whipped her hair and some of it whipped me in the face. "Ow" I whispered to myself as I rubbed my nose, where she hit it with her strong hair.

"Are you okay?" He chuckled. "Yeah. What's the usual?" I asked. "Mac n' cheese" He smiled almost like a child would have.

"Thanks. I thought she would have eaten me alive if I didn't order sooner" I breathed out a laugh.

"I wouldn't have let that happen" he said, still staring up at me with a smirk tugging at his lips. "Why not?" I chuckled.

"Because I surely can't let a beautiful girl like yourself get eaten by her" he smirked while I laughed.

"I'll take that as a compliment. Thank you" I smiled widely.

The rest of the time before Sheer came back with our food, we talked about our interests, favorite things and hobbies. So I'm guessing we won't have anything to talk about tomorrow or the next day or maybe every day after that.

When our food did finally come, we didn't speak at all. We just enjoyed the deliciousness of Mac and Cheese.

After we were done, there was a very long debate on who should pay, and why. Calum's debate was that he should pay because he wants to be the gentlemen. My debate is that I want to pay because I simply don't want him to waste his money on me.

"It's not wasting my money. Your my...friend. Why can't I be a good friend and pay for lunch?" He frowned.

I debated with myself for a little bit. I bit down on my bottom lip and gave up.

"Fine. But if I let you pay for me this time, I'm paying for you another time" I said.

"Fine. Okay. Thank you" he smiled. "No problem" I chuckled.

Sheer came back within minutes with a black, leather pad. Calum opened it and did the usual, he payed.

We got out of Friendly's within seconds. "I guess this is goodbye" I chuckled nervously. "Yeah. I'll text you later?" He suggested. I nodded my head quickly, maybe too quickly.

Calum chuckled and headed off his way towards his car. I watched him drive out and when he did, I walked over to my car.

The car started up, and I raced out of the parking lot.

Once I got home, I just went straight for my room. I didn't even say hi to my mom or my dad. I didn't say hi to my younger brother, but that's normal.

After I fell back onto my bed, my phone started to buzz. I lazily took it out of my pocket and saw that it was Calum who texted me.

C: Heyyyyy

L: Hiiiiii

C: Did Sheer eat you eat?

L: no

C: that's giid

L: ^good

C: ?

L: You spelt good as giid

C: oh thanks lol

After that I stopped texting him. Not because I got sick of him already or because I got bored. It was because I was tired. I could never get used to him or bored of him.

I didn't bother getting changed into my sweats and a sweatshirt. I just pulled the covers pass my chin and fell asleep.

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