Chapter 6

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"Come on, get in the car" Ashton whined. "No" I snapped. "Come on, Ellie is going to be mad at the both of us if you don't get into Martin"

"So? She'll get over it" I roll my eyes. Martin is Ashton's first car, the car he got 3 years ago. And the car that ruined our relationship.

Ashton and I were dating at the time he got the car. He made me feel invisible. We barely talked and barely hung out. That car was like his first priority.

Months passed and I rarely saw him. So, I broke up with him. A week after, he begged me for forgiveness. He wanted me back but I refused. He got over it by going out with my best friend, Ellie.

Yeah, it sounds horrible of her to do that, but she asked first. I told her I was fine with it and she just went out with him. I wanted to get over him so I thought that was the best way to do it. When he started dating her, she was his first priority. Not the car anymore.

Now, he could care less about that car.

"I'm not getting in that car Ashton" I crossed my arms and tried to look tough and all, but that soon failed as I started to remember the memories and smile.

"You have to" he snapped. "No I don't" I snap back. "She'll hate me for not caring about you" he whined. "You don't have to care about me. You just act like you care about me just like you did when we dated" I smirked and started my way up to my front door.

"Don't be a brat, Layla" he yelled after me. I stopped in my tracks and turned back slowly. "What did you call me?" I stammered.

"A brat" he smirked and shrugged like it wasn't a big deal, when he knew I hated when someone called me a brat.

"Don't call me that" I said through gritted teeth. "What you gonna do about it?" He teased.

I rolled my eyes and sighed in frustration. I walked over to his car and got in.

I turned my body swiftly to him and started hitting him, like a brat. In my opinion, it's only fine when I call myself a brat.

"Don't call me that" I squealed while I was still hitting him.

"Okay, okay!" He yelled while laughing uncontrollably.

"Good. Now drive me to my best friends house so I can tell her on you" I smile like a little girl and sit up straight in my seat.

"What, are you 12?" He chuckles. "Yeah, on a scale on one to ten. Now go" I smile sweetly and stare at the road before me.

Ashton sighs but starts up the car.

It usually takes me at least five minutes to get to Ellie's house, but strangely this ride has been taking more than five minutes. It's probably been about twenty minutes already.

"Why is it taking so long?" I whine. "Because I wanted to talk to you" he mumbled, still keeping his eyes on the road.

"About what?" I snap.

Ashton opens his mouth to say something, but closes it as if he had no words to say. "If your going to say nothing, then just pull over and-"

"I'm sorry" he blurts out. "For?..." I trail off for him to continue.

"For everything" he says. I've been waiting for an apology for almost 3 years now.

"For everything?" I question. I knew what he was apologizing for, but I just want to hear him say it.

"For 3 years ago, till today. For ignoring you when I got the car. For moving on quickly with your best friend" he pauses to take a deep breath. "And for not stopping loving you" he says too quickly, I could barely hear. So, I ask him what he said.

"I'm sorry I'm still in love with you" he says slowly, so I can understand his words.

I process this information, but I still don't believe it. Its not true. It can't be true.

It's not true because he loves Ellie, not me.

"So, are you telling me you don't love Ellie. But you love me?" I say quietly and calmly. "I'm saying I love both of you" he stammers.

"You can't be in love with two people, Ashton" I say in still a quiet voice.

"Yes you can" he protests. "No you can't" I say.

"Yes you-" I cut him off with a stern voice. "From experience, you can't"

Ashton doesn't say anything the rest of the ride. As soon as we get to her house, we just sit there for a silent couple of minutes.

"I remember the first time you got this car" I chuckle at the memory.

"Me too" he whispers and looks up at me. "I remember the day I broke your heart" he mumbles.

"Me too" I respond.

Ashton sits there quietly until breaking the peaceful silence. "I'm sorry"

As soon as he says that, I get out of the car. I slam the door without a care in the world and stomp my way to her front door.

"Layla, wait!" He yells after me. I ignore him, of course. Before I could knock on the door, Ashton grips onto my arm and turns me around.

"What!" I yell. "Talk to me" he whispers. His face looks sad, like he's lost something and wants it back.

"I'm not going to give you the satisfaction you want" I stammer. "I know" he says.

I turn back around and knock on the door. As soon as the door opens, Ashton turns me around and kisses me. I stay there for a couple seconds before pushing him back and seeing who was at the door.

Ellie. Ellie was at the door.

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