Chapter 15

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I've seen completely nothing and spoke no words for a month now.

A month filled with tortures. A month filled with blackness. And a month filled with nothing but thoughts and his voice.

Feeling his touch is just a miracle.

I can't even sleep. I don't know why, but I can't. I'm beyond tired and yet I have to keep moving forward.

The first thing I do when I wake up, is sleep. Well, that's if I ever wake up. So far, I've lost complete hope.

I really don't see myself waking up at this point on.

A loud cry filled my ears. "I've been here for you for the past month. And your not awake yet. I've tried not to lose hope, for the past month. But now I'm sure your never going to wake up" someone cried. I didn't recognize this cry before. But I do know it's a male who's crying.

"I miss you" Calum whispered. "I miss you so much and I will do anything to hear you, kiss you, and be with you" some more cries.

I've never heard him cry before. This is new to me.

And I would do anything to be awake again, to be with him. I know this is hurting him badly. But I can't do anything about it.

"Y-Your crying" he whispered into my ear. In fact, I did feel a tear slide down my cheek.

"Just please wake up" he whispered. And as he said that, my eyes fluttered open. It was hard at first to adjust to the bright light. "Layla?"

I look over to him and smile. "I'm awake" I tear up, but I don't care. I haven't spoken in a month and I finally am. This is almost like a miracle.

"Oh my god" he cried and cupped my cheeks in his hands. "Layla, you don't know how much I missed you" he whispered.

"I missed you too" I cried. Calum hesitated on kissing me, and he finally did it.

The feeling of his lips is amazing. That was the last thing I felt of him before I went into this month long coma.

We stayed there for a couple seconds before he pulled away gently. "I need to go get your family" he smiled widely, crying in happiness.

"Okay" I nod quickly and he leaves. That was the last thing I wanted right now, but it was for a good reason. I even planned in my head that the first day I wake up, I would spend that whole day with him but then I would also want to spend it with my family.

I'm just so happy right now, that nothing could change my mood.

I sat up, resting my head on the wall. My smile grew every second, and I knew I wasn't going to frown today.

"Come on! She's awake!" he squeled happily, running back in here. He smiled widely at me but he got blocked from my vision as my parents, Shawn and Emily raced in here.

"Layla!" my mom yelled and ran to hug me. My dad stayed behind her. She hugged me for the longest time then let go because everyone else wanted a turn.

"Hi, sweetie" my dad smiled and hugged me for a couple seconds before letting go. I smiled back at him and Emily was next.

"I missed you so much!" she yelled and hugged my neck tightly. "I missed you too" I was choked by her and my tears. "You missed so much! Even my birthday!" she frowned. I frowned too, remembering I missed her fifth birthday. "Did I miss the birthday party?" I asked with the same frown.

"No! I told mommy to wait until you waked up. We can have it Friday! Or Saturday. Maybe Sunday?" she had a puzzled face, looking between my mother and I. "We'll have it whatever day they tell Layla she can come home" my mom said, smiling like crazy.

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