Chapter 4

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It's been a week since I met Calum. We've been talking ever since, almost 24/7.

Once I got the strength to get up, I had to get ready for work. My shift started at 10 and ended about 7 today.

I lazily got up from the bed, regretting it the second my bare feet hit the cold wooden floor.

I groaned but continued walking to the bathroom that was linked to my bedroom. I slammed the door shut by accident.

My feet almost gave up on me but I balanced myself before I could collapse. I stood up as straight as I could and stared at myself through the mirror. I tried my best to fix my hair with my hands but failed miserably.

My eyes wandered around the bathroom until they landed on my hair brush on the counter. I picked it up and scanned it almost as if I was a caveman discovering something new.

I combed through my hair, which was hard because it was all knotted. After I combed my hair, I brushed my teeth. Then I got changed.

After I made sure for the hundredth time I wasn't missing anything, I walked downstairs almost like a zombie.

"Good morning sweet heart" My mom smiled and walked pass me. I furrowed my eyebrows at her change in character. "Are you okay?" I asked. She stopped in her tracks and turned around to face me, with the same smile on her face.

"I'm fine darling. Why don't you have some breakfast?" She caressed my cheek with her thumb and wouldn't stop smiling. Her usual mood would be yelling at everyone. My dad, my brother, my sister and I.

She works, sits down and relaxes. My dad on the other hand cleans the whole house at least twice a week and takes care of everyone. Yet, she's the one who complains.

I walk away from her with out another word and rummage through the cabinets for cereal. I'm short, so I go on my tippy toes and reach as best as I can for the cereal that was placed on top of the refrigerator. My brother, Shawn, would usually do this to me to make fun of me for being short. It was a joke in my whole family and the biggest joke to him.

He would always find ways to torture me because I'm short. He would grab something of mine and put it over his head, so I wouldn't reach it. Or he would place things that I need daily on top shelves or refrigerators like today.

I finally have a grip on the cereal. But when I pull it back, I fall back. The cereal lands on my stomach, but didn't open thankfully. I land on my bum.

A laughter erupts near me. I peer my head over my shoulder and see a tall figure standing behind me. I get up with the box of cereal and stare at Shawn.

"Why do you keep torturing me?" I walk pass him to the cabinets where we keep the bowls, plates, etc.

"Because it's funny" He laughed. I turned my head to look at him. He was very amused by this. And I still don't get why.

"Leave me alone" I mumble on my way to the refrigerator. "Okay, okay. I will. Just for today" he evilly laughs on his way out. I roll my eyes and carry my bowl to the dining room just a couple feet away from the kitchen.

Where I sit, I can easily see the T.V. I turn it on. Nothing good for a Sunday. I flip through the channels until I give up. The rest of my time alone, I eat in silence.

Just as I was walking through the doorway to the kitchen, Emily runs pass me and the bowl drops. It was glass. My automatic thought was that my mother was going to kill me. But then I remembered she was in a good mood today. But what if I change that? Either way, I'm freaking out inside and out.

"Emily!" I yell. "Sowwy!" She yelled behind her. Emily didn't stop, she just kept running around the house. Emily is 4, so she doesn't know better. But with Shawn, he's 18 and still doesn't know better. Shawn came running through the same way Emily did and tripped over me. My body fell into the puddle of left over milk, and Shawn fell down too.

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