Chapter 14

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"And I brought some cookies, pizza and some soda" Calum announced. "But I don't know how to feed this to you since your still in a coma..." He trailed off.

"And I don't wanna eat it in front of you...because that would be a jerk move"

A week into the coma...nothing's getting better. I can't move or speak. The only thing I could do is hear.

"Uh...Layla? L-Luke came by last night..." He trailed off.

I was shocked. The last time I saw him was last week, the night I came in here. The words he said...made me believe he wasn't coming back to me or I would never see him again.

"I found him sleeping on the chair next to you..." He trailed off once again.

I could just imagine Calum rubbing the back of his neck and smiling awkwardly or having the look in his eyes that would indicate he was about to cry.

"I actually found him in the morning. And told him to get out. I knew you probably didn't want to see him. If you did want to see him...then sorry I told him to leave"

This really sucks. Not being able to speak or move. I can't even get up and hug him, or even kiss him. I can't even tell him how much I like him, or maybe love him.

"How is she?" A frail, weak voice whispers. "She's doing good" Calum responded.

Then I felt his hand on mine again. "How are you?" The same person asks, now it's more clear that it's a female voice.

I'm guessing either my mom's or Ellie's. "I'm doing fine, Ellie" he responded.

Yep, it's Ellie.

"Don't lie to me" she said.


"I hate this" he sighed. "Me too" she said.

"I miss her" she said. "Me too"

"Why did this have to happen to her?" He asks.

"I don't know" she says.

"I know I tell her that she'll be okay...but I don't know about that now. What if she never wakes up?"

"Don't say that, Calum. She'll wake up some time. I just don't know when. But she will" she said.

I could only imagine that she's giving him a warming smile, assuring him that I will wake up. Even though none of us know when I will wake up. It could be days, weeks, months or even years.

No one can predict the future.

"I'm slowly giving up hope, Ellie" he sniffled.

I like imagining what he's doing, but not when he's sad. When he's sad, I just imagine him being happy.

"Don't" Ellie said. "But I am!" He responded quickly and loudly.

A big crash erupted and I flinched inside, scared of what he did. But it only sounded like he either dropped something or pushed something towards the ground.

"Calum! Come back!" She yelled. Her voice became distant and I heard people running.

"Don't do anything you'll regret!" She yelled.

Then silence filled the room. I knew I was alone now.

But minutes later, I heard footsteps coming closer to me.

"Hi, Layla" Ellie whispered in my ear. "You probably can't hear me, but that's okay. I'll just imagine you can hear me" she chuckled.

This is killing me, not being able to communicate.

"I just want you to know that everything will be okay, I promise" she paused.

"Calum is just...scared. He doesn't know what to do without you" another pause.

"He surely does love you" she chuckled.

"Who wouldn't love you? Your perfect" she sighed. I was confused as to where this was going.

"And I'm just a popular jerk. I know I am. Everyone says they love me and care about me, but I know it's lies. Everyone talks crap about me behind my back. I've even heard them do it so don't tell me that people don't do that" she cried/chuckled.

"And if your thinking I'll commit suicide because of that, don't think that. I won't. Dying is pointless. Life is pointless but I still want to live"

Some more footsteps. "Hey, Ashton" she whispered.

"How is she?" He asks. "Good...I think" she responds.

"Can I talk to her?" He asks. "Sure" then she left, leaving Ashton and a speechless me.

Why, of all people, does he have to be here. "I'm sorry" is the first thing he says.

"I'm sorry for everything. For making you feel invisible, for being the cause of us breaking up, for making a move on you while I was dating Ellie. I'm just sorry, for everything that I've ever done"

Memories flood through my mind about Ashton and I. When we dated, up until our breakup.

"I miss you" his hand placed on top of mine, caused me to flinch. I knew I flinched physically because he said so.

"You moved" he whispered.

"That's great, Layla. Only if you could move some more and speak...I just miss that. Seeing you, speaking to you" he paused.

"I just miss you so much"

Great. He missed me, Calum-I think-loves me, and I know Luke still loves me.

How did I get in this mess.

"I know it's wrong, but I do" he chuckled.

"You drive me crazy" he chuckled some more.

"I'm going crazy without you"

I roll my eyes mentally at this pathetic work he's doing. He probably just wants me back so he can screw around with other girls and obsess over his car again. I don't drive him crazy. He drives me crazy.

"I guess I should go now, since Calum's back. Bye Layla" I was happy that he's leaving and Calum's back.

Nothing could make me more happy than seeing Ashton leave. But I can't see him. At least I know he's gone.

Footsteps, rummaging and his touch.

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