Chapter 13

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His eyes were filled with tears. So far my life has been filled with tears and people getting hurt. I hate it. But I don't control life, right? So I'll just have to bear it and move on.

Last week was the last time I saw Luke. I don't know when I'll see him again. I don't even know if I should make the first move to talk to him. But part of me wants to wait and see if he'll do anything.

I haven't even seen Calum either this past week. But today he decided to come over my house, and now he ended up crying. Ellie came by to hang out the other day. She ended up spending the night at my house. We discussed some things like college, but I refused to go. Mostly because my mom doesn't want me to go anywhere without her like a school. Even if I could stay here and go to college instead of living in a dorm, she still won't let me.

Ellie shared news about Ashton and how he is oh so 'perfect'. Only if she knew how horrible he is. But she loves him, I shouldn't be the reason for her break-up.

Calum is still crying in front of me. "I'm sorry" he wiped most of the tears away, but they just kept coming. "It's okay, Calum" I smile. Calum looks up at me and smiles. His hat is crocked and I reach over to fix it. But Calum has other things on his mind. When I scouch closer to him on the couch, he pulls me closer to him and kisses me.

I don't pull away. I stay, and kiss him back. I sit on his lap, facing him. I cup his cheeks with my hands and stay kissing him.

Our lips stay in motion for what seems like hours, but is only minutes until someone walks in and ruins it. Who ever it is clears their throat and coughs, so they can let us know their there. I jump a little and jump off of Calum. I was smiling until I saw who it was. Luke.

"Luke" I whisper to myself. Shocked, but not surprised as I was standing there, I couldn't move.

Luke just stood there too, looking between us. He nodded his head as if he understood.

He walked sort of fast to Calum. He grabbed the collar of his shirt and got ready to punch him. But he never did.

I said nothing, I just stood there. I didn't know what to do. Should I defend Calum? Should I scream at Luke? I just didn't know.

So, the coward I am, I just stood there with my jaw dropped.

And Luke stayed there, as if frozen in time. He leaned over Calum, fist full of Calum's collar, while the other hand was balled in a fist, ready to swing.

But that swing never came.

Finally, Luke backed up and almost headed out the door. He turned around and said,"You know why I didn't punch him?"

Nor Calum or I answered. We glanced at each other then looked back at the angry Luke.

"I didn't punch him because it's worthless. It's worthless to hurt someone who hurt you back" he walked out the door then, leaving us with silence and guilt.

"Oh my god" I pace back and forth, in front of Calum, gripping my hair tightly as well.

"Calm down, Layla. It'll be okay" he said gently and calmly. How could he possibly calm at this time?! And that's exactly what I asked next.

"I'm calm because panicking won't do anything" he shrugged.

"This is all my fault!" I yelled, mostly at myself.

Calum got up and placed his hands on my shoulders harshly. "It's not your fault!" He yelled. "It's mine" he said in a calmer voice.

"Of course" I nodded my head and broke through Calum's grasp. "It is your fault!" I yelled at him.

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